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This movie was originally meant to be before Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) before the COVID-19 Pandemic forced the schedules to be altered and for this movie to ultimately come after it.
Sam Raimi initially didn't want to direct any future superhero films, having lost faith in himself due to the critical and audience backlash he received from Spider-Man 3 (2007) due to studio interference from Sony. However, getting the call from his agent about this film encouraged him to try again, as he had thoroughly enjoyed the first Doctor Strange film (as well as the character himself) and wanted to see if he could live up to the challenge of meeting the audience's expectations once again.
Director Sam Raimi previously added two references to the character Doctor Strange in Spider-Man 2 (2004):
Joe's Pizza (where Peter Parker is working at the beginning) and the billboard showing Mary Jane are located on Bleecker Street (where Doctor Strange's Sanctum Santorum is located).
The name of Doctor Strange is suggested to J. Jonah Jameson as a possible name for Dr. Octavius, to which Jameson replies: "But it's taken!"
Director Sam Raimi previously described the sequel as "the most complex movie" that he's ever worked on in his career. So, it seems that Kevin Feige was aware that simplifying certain moments such as the musical battle would've helped in lessening the confusion behind complex concepts that were introduced in the movie. This is also in line with Raimi's previous reveal that the sequel's original runtime was two hours and 40 minutes, hinting that many more scenes were 'simplified' throughout production.
Sam Raimi has observed that due to the chaotic production process, he and the screenwriters essentially figured out the movie during filming, with the ending being conceptualized about halfway through the shoot.
The one-eyed tentacle monster in the film is known in the Marvel comics as Shuma-Gorath, who was named from a phrase in the Robert E. Howard short story "The Curse of the Golden Skull", published in Spring 1967. Due to rights issues between Marvel and Howard's estate, the film has the monster renamed Gargantos, after a sea monster in the Marvel comics. The creature was already briefly introduced in the Marvel Universe, in the episode What If... Captain Carter Were the First Avenger? (2021).
Xochitl Gomez wanted to remain faithful to the source material despite playing a younger version of the character than is seen in the comics, and said her journey in the film begins with the character having been alone for a long time and "running away from her uniqueness". In the comics, America Chavez is originally from a place called the Utopian Parallel, which is shown when the audience sees both of her moms with her as a younger child.
Vertically, on the front of America Chavez's denim jacket, is written "Amor es Amor". This is Spanish for "Love is Love". The quote is a popular slogan of the LGBT community. She also wears the pride flag as a pin on her jacket, which was said to be so she could gauge the level of tolerance in each universe.
In the comics, Earth-616 is the designation for the mainstream Marvel universe. The term was first used in The Daredevils #7 (Jul. 1983), published by Marvel UK, and its origin has been subject to debate. That issue was written by Alan Moore, and his son-in-law John Reppion said he chose the number at random "because people always seemed to be talking about 'earth 2' or 'earth 4' but never any higher numbers." However, the issue's artist Alan Davis said the number was chosen by previous Captain Britain writer David Thorpe as a reference to the number of the beast because he "wasn't a fan of the modern superhero genre." Though most versions of the Book of Revelation identify the number of the beast as 666, in some ancient Greek translations it is written 616.
It was rumored that Tom Cruise would appear as the villainous version of Iron Man known as Superior Iron Man as part of the Illuminati, since Cruise was originally in the running to play Iron Man in Iron Man (2008) before Robert Downey Jr. was cast.
In Wanda's dream, her boys are wearing blue and red just like they did in WandaVision (2021). This a nod to the comics where they become the teenage heroes, Wiccan and Speed and those are their primary colors.
The Darkhold has appeared previously in the Marvel TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013) and Runaways (2017), but a line from Wong in this film implies they were copies of this original transcription and that the true Darkhold was not a book but Wundagore itself.
The Darkhold's history is tied very closely to Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlet Witch in the comics. In the comics, Earth used to be controlled by these super powerful beings called the Elder Gods and the most powerful and evil one of them was called Chthon, he became the first dark magician and the originator of chaos magic, the force that powers the Scarlet Witch. The elder gods eventually turned into demons and monsters, except for Gia who gave birth to a god eater called Atom who cleansed the Earth of the demons. But before Chthon left Earth, he poured all of his hatred and malice into the Darkhold. Over the years he tries various ways to escape exile and return to Earth through a portal on Wundagore mountain, which is also seen in this movie. Wundagore is the same place that a scientist Herbert Windam, called the High Evolutionary, built a refuge for his evolved animal experiments who he called the Anti-Men. When Chthon entered Earth again, the Anti-Men fought him off, but the moment he was pushed back into the void, was the same moment the twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were born on Wundeagore Mountain. Chthon put a bit of his essence inside of Wanda which allowed him to control her later in life. In this movie, it shows Wanda being taken over by the Darkhold and Chthon who has been manipulating her with chaos magic all along tempting her to be reunited with her boys.
In their first travel across the Multiverse, Dr. Strange and America Chavez cross exactly 20 different alternate realities, traveling from Earth-616 to Earth-838, including a dinosaur world, a skeleton world, a bee world, a sea world, an animated world, a high-tech pipe world, and a paint world. In addition, one of them can be seen (for a couple seconds) Living Tribunal's head. In the comics Living Tribunal is the most powerful cosmic entity, in charge to preserve a perfect balance in the Multiverse.
This is the MCU film debut of the superhero group The Illuminati. In the comics, the Illuminati were a secret group composed of the leaders of the superhuman community; Doctor Strange, Tony Stark and Namor the Sub-Mariner were founding members. In the MCU, the Illuminati are unique to Earth-838, the counterpart of the Avengers: members include:
Karl Mordo (reprised by Chiwetel Ejiofor from Doctor Strange (2016))
Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell, reprising her role from the animated Disney+ series What If...? (2021))
Black Bolt (played by Anson Mount from the television series Inhumans (2017))
Maria Rambeau (Lashana Lynch, previously seen in Captain Marvel (2019))
Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four, played in the MCU by John Krasinski)
Charles Xavier (Sir Patrick Stewart from 20th Century Fox's X-Men Franchise)
Formerly Stephen Strange.
When Dr. Strange meets Christine Palmer from Earth-838, she claims to be an expert in multiversal theory who works for "The Baxter Foundation". In Marvel Comics, the Baxter Foundation is a government-funded institute for scientific research set in the Baxter Building, where the Fantastic Four live.
When Strange and Chavez go to Kamar-Taj looking for protection, a large green Minotaur can be seen as an apprentice. He is Rintrah, a Minotaur that hails from the planet R'Vaal. He first started as a humble cloth weaver and eventually became Doctor Strange's apprentice after the two bonded when Rintrah was tasked to return Strange's cloak of levitation back to him after another sorcerer, Enitharmon the Weaver, mended it.
When in the fallen dimension, Dr. Strange and Sinister Strange have a magic duel where they use two classical music pieces as spells: Dr. Strange uses "Symphony No. 5 in C Minor" from Ludwig van Beethoven while Sinister Strange uses "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor" from Johann Sebastian Bach. These were the opening numbers used in Disney's Fantasia 2000 (1999) and the original Fantasia (1940), respectively.
When Strange meets Reed Richards he says "The Fantastic Four, didn't you chart in the 60s?". A group called The Fantastic Four had a #6 R&B hit in 1967 with "The Whole World Is A Stage". This is also a call back to the first movie, Doctor Strange (2016), where he answered music trivia questions in the operating room.
Sam Raimi's 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 car makes a cameo in the fallen dimension of Sinister Strange. The car has appeared in all the Raimi movies.
In the living room of the Wanda-838, the TV shows a cartoon featuring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Walt Disney invented the character in the 1920s, but when Universal Pictures took the rights to Oswald away from him, Disney invented Mickey Mouse instead, who soon completely eclipsed Oswald in popularity. In Earth-838 it appears that Mickey Mouse was never invented, and so Oswald remained popular on TV.
In the first post-credits scene Charlize Theron plays a white-haired woman who recruits Strange to fix an incursion caused by his multiversal travels. This woman is Clea, who, in the Marvel comics, is a powerful sorceress, daughter of Prince Orini (Olnar's son, former ruler of the Dark Dimension) and Umar, Dormammu's sister, making Clea Dormammu's niece. Clea is a long-time ally, love interest, and eventual wife of Stephen Strange. Clea even becomes the Sorcerer Supreme in the fifth and final issue of the limited comic series, "The Death of Dr. Strange" (January 2022). Clea uses a magic knife to open a portal in the air, where the Dark Dimension can be seen.
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