Monday, August 26, 2024

RW615 - Heroes Rewatch S03E08-09 - Villains Coming


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom fight with poison and fire as they discuss season 3 episodes 8 & 9, Villains and It's Coming.

Chapter Eight 'Villains':

Volume: Three

Written by: Rob Fresco

Directed by: Allan Arkush

Original airdate: November 10, 2008



Hiro, in his trance, begins to experience the story of the villains he faces off against, starting with the celebration of Nathan Petrelli being toasted by his father for being the finest Assistant DA in New York, just a year and a half ago. While at the party, Linderman talks with the Petrelli’s, mostly Nathan, whose office has decided to start a full scale investigation into his affairs. He then talks with Arthur about it, who knows if Linderman falls, he will as well, and tells him that he will talk with Nathan and if anything goes awry, the son will have to be killed.

The scene then cuts to firestarter Flint, who is in the process of robbing a convenience store with his big sister, fellow fire starter Meredith, however they are attacked by Thompson of the company who covers Flint in fire retardant before he runs away and holds Meredith at bay with a stun gun. 

Hiro witnesses Gabriel Gray killing his first victim, taking his power, and then trying to kill himself, wracked with guilt. Elle enters just as he attempts suicide and saves him with her power. Elle later meets with HRG and wonders why they can’t just tag and bag Gabriel like the others but he tells her they need to study him and figure out he is able to transfer powers form person to person. 

Thompson offers Meredith the chance to become an agent but she holds resentment for the company, refusing. Threatened with living forever in an asbestos lined cell, she agrees to join them as an agent. 

As Arthur works in the garden, Angela asks him to reconsider staying away from  Peter’s nursing school graduation but he refuses, then asking Nathan one more time to reconsider the Linderman issue. 

Nathan drives with his wife, as Hiro sees him attacked from behind and flying away as she crashes into the barrier on the side of the road. Nathan is livid at his father when he arrives at the hospital, telling him that if he stands with Linderman, he will go down with him. 

Angela asks Arthur about Linderman and whether or not her husband had anything to do with the incident. He denies it, but the next day she overhears Linderman and Arthur discussing how to kill Nathan. Angela draws a knife on her husband but he uses his power to put thoughts into her head, making her voice that Nathan has to die. Linderman pays a call on Angela the next day and feels regret at how Arthur has been using her, offering to help the scars that Arthur has put upon her brain and memories. She agrees and realizes what her husband has done. At dinner, she is short with Arthur and he senses something is wrong as he sees The Haitian behind him. Arthur begins to experience pains, and collapses as she reveals the food was her own recipe. As she works with the Haitian to destroy the body, Nathan arrives home and she concocts a story about a heart attack, getting him to the hospital.

Thompson and Meredith head out on a training mission to bag and tag someone with abilities who can turn their arm into metal, but it goes wrong and Meredith has to use her powers to help capture the man. As she puts the man in his cell, she sees her brother has been captured but he company and promised him to be an agent as well. She sees through the ruse and later helps him escape. Thompson follows them into a train but they see him and a fight ensues, derailing the train. Thompson ends up losing Flint but captures Meredith. As he takes her into custody he asks why she resents the companies she explains how the company ended up being responsible for killing what daughter Claire when she was a baby. Thompson suddenly takes pity on her and releases her, telling her it’s a get out of jail free card due to what happened to her daughter. As she leaves, a teenage Claire is seen in the background running towards the train to save the people trapped within. 

HRG keeps an eye on Gabriel as Elle works to get closer to him, asking him about a list of names he has. He dismisses it and reveals his power to her and how he has a hunger for powers. Elle plays dumb but later argues with HRG about needing to see him kill in order to study him. She goes to see Gabriel for dinner, and tells him she has invited someone who has a power as well. Gabriel is unimpressed and eventually shows off his power, slamming the man against the wall. He orders Elle to leave but she lashes out with her powers, leaving him to attack her with his telekinesis as she runs out. Gabriel begins to cut open the young man’s head as HRG watches on camera, astonished at how Gabriel learns how to use others’ powers. Elle argues with HRG, feeling that Gabriel deserved a chance to be saved but he disagrees and leaves to catch a ride in a cab driven by Mohinder as Peter leaves the cab and walks away.

At the hospital, the doctor comes out to tell Angela and Nathan that their father has died, with Angela requesting a cremation. The doctor returns to the private room where he tells Arthur that his family believes him to be dead and that they can procure a body for the cremation. Unfortunately though, the damage to Arthur’s body is permanent, and he will have to live with being paralyzed. At Arthur’s funeral, Peter and Nathan reminisce about their father, but Angela tells them to not idolize him just because he died. 

Hiro awakens suddenly and realizes they must warn Angela and Meredith and Nathan about what is coming when they hear Usutu screaming. They rush out of the hut to see that he has been beheaded. Hiro then turns around to see Arthur has arrived, who grabs his head as Hiro screams.


Danny Pine was played by Franc Ross, we’ve seen him before in Sliders episode “The Other Slide of Darkness” as Billy T.

Apple, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie by Jay & The Techniques:

Chapter Nine 'It's Coming':

Volume: Three

Written by: Tim Kring

Directed by: Greg Yaitanes

Original airdate: November 17, 2008



As Arthur starts to take Hiro’s powers, Ando leaps to his friend’s rescue. Arthur flicks him away with his telekinesis, but is then distracted by a painting of an eclipse that Usutu made. As he examines it, Ando grabs Hiro and tells him to teleport them away, but Hiro is confused at what he is doing there, thinking only of waffles. Ando tries to show him how he usually uses his power and Hiro teleports them to a Japanese bowling alley where they serve waffles. As Ando converses with him, it’s revealed that Hiro has somehow reverted to his 10 year old self. Ando explains to him how his powers work and what he can do and Hiro tests them out, pulling the pranks a young boy would pull. Hiro teleports them to a comic book store so Hiro can research, but ANdo shows him a 9th Wonders comic book that predicts their exact conversation, as they look at the final page which shows an eclipse, with the words It’s Coming, underneath.

Arthur returns to Gabriel and tells him that he is capable of taking powers without killing by accessing his empathy, putting his son in a room where Elle has been imprisoned. She is livid at his presence and starts attacking him, with Gabriel telling her to let it all out, that he can take it, and so she does. They banter back and forth about how he killed her father, how he was drawn to the killing but never wanted to. As she unleashes her pain and power into him, he takes it all. Eventually, she is spent, and Gabriel, despite looking worse for the wear, has healed all along the way, and instead of killing Elle, as she has requested, he releases her. Gabriel tells her he wants to be a good person, citing his mother for making him this way. He tells Elle she needs to forgive herself for what she has done as an agent and she does, feeling a release from her pain, as Gabriel realizes he has copied Elle’s powers. The two talk and reconnect as she teaches him about her power. 

Knox and Flint show up at the Petrelli’s home with Claire making a distraction so Peter can escape, telling him she owes him. She then joins him as they escape into the sewers with Knox and Flint close behind. Claire again tries to delay the villains, but they reveal that they are not there for Peter but for her, grabbing her. Peter returns and faces off against them, goading Flint into using his powers. Knox suddenly realizes what Peter is doing as Flint tosses his flames towards Peter but they end up exploding into the villains, as Peter had rigged up a gas line to leak. Together Peter and Claire get away. 

Arthur talks with Mohinder about his findings on the formula, but unfortunately there is a catalyst missing to properly activate the powers. Mohinder reasons that it is likely a person that is the catalyst. Meanwhile, Mohinder is wracked with guilt over the experiments he has done on innocent people at Pinehearst, seeing they have become monsters in pain, and takes pity on one, giving him a lethal injection to end his suffering. 

Tracy and Nathan confront Arthur, with Nathan disbelieving at how much his father sounds like Linderman. He leaves without joining Arthur, but Tracy returns to Arthur, telling him that she can convince Nathan to play nicely, as long as Arthur promises to look out for her when he sets his plan in motion. 

Matt and Daphne find Angela at The Company in a coma and he decides he must go into her mind and try and help her. He asks Daphne to stay close as he does. Daphne instead retreats to Arthur and tells him what is going on. He orders her to stay with Parkman, who ends up talking with Angela inside her head in a dream. Arthur shows up, trying to confuse the issue, bringing in Daphne to betray Matt and stab him in the dream. Daphne, in the real world, sees that Matt has started to bleed, and grabs his hand, trying to get him to bring her into the dream, to which he does. Arthur reveals that Daphne has been helping him, but she tells him that she made a mistake, that she loves him and the two console each other. Angela tells Arthur that they were once like that, telling him that he will let her go, to which he actually does. Matt grabs them and they all leave the dream, seeing that he isn’t hurt or bleeding anymore as Angela wakes up. Peter, Nathan, and Claire all end up meeting with Angela, Matt and Daphne and she tells them about the catalyst that is needed for the formula to work. Claire, remembering Sylar’s words to her, says she believes she is the catalyst. 

Back at Pinehearst, Gabriel, Elle, Tracy, Flint and Knox look on as Arthur, in the precognition white eyed trance, draws a picture of the coming eclipse. 

Heroes EU:

Graphic Novels:

Playing with Fire

The childhood of Meredith and Flint is explored.


Noah Bennet and Meredith Gordon track down an escaped prisoner from Level 5.


Heroes: Destiny Parts 3-4


Santiago's captors have a mission for him that he can't refuse.


Santiago finds freedom in the sanctuary of family.

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Monday, August 19, 2024

RW614 - Heroes Rewatch S03E07 - Eris Quod Sum


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom take everything they want as they discuss season 3 episodes 7, Eris Quod Sum.

Chapter Seven 'Eris Quod Sum':

Volume: Three

Written by: Jesse Alexander

Directed by: Jeannot Szwarc

Original airdate: October 27, 2008



Nathan and Tracy face off against Mohinder, refusing to give him any more samples of their genes, as Mohinder grabs Maya and jumps out of the window in the ceiling. They call Bennet who comes and saves them after Tracy gets strangled trying to help one of the cocooned people on the walls. 

Peter, reliving the events of the last few days while knocked out and handcuffed to a bed, awakens to hear his father telling him what they did was for the greater good. Arthur tries to convince him but to no avail. 

Claire and Sandra return home to find their lights flickering and Lyle on the floor. Nearby, Elle has returned but asks for help because her powers have become uncontrollable. Together they decide to go to Pinehearst, with Elle having been recruited by Daphne earlier. They take a plane, arguing as they are wont to do, causing a problem with the plane systems as it starts to dive from the air. Claire tells Elle to release her electricity into her, so that she can take it. The ploy works and the plane rights itself and continues on its way. 

Mohinder, having retreated to Pinehearst, talks with Arthur and watches as the man removes Maya’s ability, leaving her happy to be free from her curse. Maya however is leaving, unable to trust Mohinder anymore, despite his insistence that he was only trying to help. She leaves to make amends with those she has hurt and suggests he does the same. Arthur shows Mohinder to a room where his scientists are working on the stolen halves of the formula, asking him to help fix it. Mohinder is worried about a hidden agenda, but ends up staying.

Arthur reprimands Daphne for not recruiting Parkman, but Knox knows she is scared and lying due to her fear. Arthur orders her to make it right by killing Matt, but Maury steps in, saying that wasn't the deal. Arthur simply kills Maury as Daphne begs for another way to fix things.

Angela, in her coma, manages to contact Gabriel, convincing him he is more capable than anyone knows, and indeed he is able to free himself and goes to free Peter at her request. 

Daphne holds Matt up at his apartment with a gun, but she refuses to kill him, giving in and dropping the gun. Together they come up with a plan to throw off Knox so that when he arrives he THINKS he kills them both due to Matt’s ability to make Knox see whatever Matt wants him to see. 

Mohinder begins to prepare Peter to test out a new version of the serum, but Gabriel shows up and flings him aside, rescuing Peter. With his new strength, Mohinder attacks Sylar and begins beating on him while Peter escapes but Arthur stops and holds Gabriel suspended in the air, monologuing to him about Angela’s lies and how she tried to kill Gabriel when he was just a baby. Peter comes back to try to get Gabriel, but he tells Peter he is going to listen to their father and flings Peter out a window to his certain death below. Arthur comments that it’s strange the fall didn’t kill Peter, before taking a phone call from Daphne, who reports that their plan worked, and Matt believes they are safe from Knox and Petrelli now. 

Elle and Claire arrive to see Peter falling from the window and are astonished that he isn’t dead. He tells them that the man inside took his abilities, and Elle decides to head inside while Claire gets Peter home to Nathan. Nathan is disbelieving that his father is still alive, but decides to head to Pinehearst with Tracy. Peter tells Claire he thinks Sylar purposely threw him out the window to help him escape, slowing his fall to save him. 

Hiro continues to refuse to travel to the past, despite Ando’s insistence. Usutu tells him he must choose his path or it will be chosen for him. Hiro eats a paste that Usutu makes, as he tells him of using a spirit walk to help guide him, after which, Hiro falls into the white eyed precognition trance.

Back Issues:

Heroes EU:

Graphic Novels:

Sum Quod Sum Parts 1 

Elle gets by with a little help from a friend.

Sum Quod Sum Parts 2

Elle gets some assistance.


Sylar's first and only solo mission.


Heroes: Destiny Parts 1-2

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

RW613 - Alien vs Predator Rewatch - Alien: Romulus


In this episode of The Alien vs Predator Rewatch, Cory and Eoghan really need to talk to their union as they discuss Alien: Romulus.


Our Favourite Trivia:

The film was originally scheduled to be released on Hulu, but it switched to a theatrical release in June 2023.

After months of speculation about the meaning of the subtitle 'Romulus', writer/director Fede Alvarez explained that it refers to the Romulus space station where part of the action in the film takes place. He also implied that there is a sister station called 'Remus', so both structures are named after the twins Romulus and Remus, the mythological founders of the city of Rome and the Roman kingdom. In the final film, Romulus and Remus are revealed to be the two halves of the same space station, with most of the action taking place in the Romulus side. This continues the tradition of naming entities after characters or places from classic mythology, such as: the ship Prometheus from Prometheus (2012) (named after a Greek Titan); the ship Anesidora and the APOLLO computer from Alien: Isolation (2014) (named after a Roman goddess and god respectively); the planetoid Acheron from Aliens (1986) (named after a river in the Greek underworld); and the USS Auriga from Alien: Resurrection (1997) (named after a Greek hero).

The film's practical animatronic creature effects were created in collaboration between special effect companies Legacy Effects and Studio Gillis, both selected due to their staff's prior history with the Alien series. Legacy Effects is the successor to Stan Winston Studios, who worked on Aliens (1986), while Studio Gillis is the successor to Amalgamated Dynamics, who worked on Alien³ (1992), Alien: Resurrection (1997), and the two Alien vs Predator films.

The film's production design draws not only on the previous films in the series, but also the Alien: Isolation (2014) video game, including the "Emergency" communication stations which served as save points in the game.

What's Up Next?

We're back with our fav super heroes and Marvel Phase 4.

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Monday, August 12, 2024

RW612 - Heroes Rewatch S03E05-06 - Monsters Light


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom start new team ups and contemplate death as they discuss season 3 episodes 5 & 6, Angels and Monsters, and Dying of the Light.

Chapter Five 'Angels and Monsters':

Volume: Three

Written by: Adam Armus & Kay Foster

Directed by: Anthony Hemingway

Original airdate: October 13, 2008



Nathan is confronted by Linderman in his home, and the two begin talking, but when Tracy comes downstairs she only hears Nathan talking to himself. They talk about their powers and Tracy reveals she accidentally killed someone. Nathan believes their powers came from God, but she reveals what she found out about Doctor Zimmerman, and the two go to see Angela. She confirms what Zimmerman did, explaining how they developed synthetic abilities and tested them on infants, including Nathan himself, theorizing that because of his genetics, he could handle being given powers. Angela asks for their help in stopping whoever is trying to recreate the project, but Nathan and Tracy leave.

Mohinder hits up a drug dealer in a park, but not for drugs, but for him, who he takes back to his loft and cocoons along with the others. Maya arrives, showing him a flier for his missing neighbor, but when she sees blood on the floor, she makes an excuse and leaves. Later she returns and follows the trail of blood and finds the cocoon of the missing neighbor, trying to get him out when Mohinder returns home. She hides, but he realizes she’s there when she starts to panic and her power activates. He convinces her to stop, but when she does, he attacks her and cocoons her up as well.

Peter, filled with the hunger from Gabriel’s power, attacks his mother to get the answers he seeks, starting to cut open her head, but is stopped by Gabriel as he tosses Peter against the wall.  Bennet tells Gabriel they have a hit on another person they need to apprehend and the two head off together.

Sandra is upset, learning that Claire lied about the cheerleading retreat and gone after one of the powered villains. Meredith is shocked to see a name in the files, Doyle, and realizing how dangerous he is, goes to see if Claire went to find him. Unfortunately, Claire did not, and Meredith finds herself under Doyle’s puppet master powers, forced to do whatever he commands her to do. 

Claire meanwhile has confronted and tased Stephen Canfield, a man with the ability to send people through a vortex, never to return. When he awakens, the two talk and Claire begins to see that he isn’t the monster the report makes him out to be, being someone who accidentally hurt someone with powers and was locked away because of it. She tries to help him find his wife and kids, and he contacts them, asking them to meet him later. Unfortunately, her father and Gabriel show up and a standoff begins as Stephen creates a vortex that threatens to pull them all in. He gets away, but Claire almost falls into the vortex as Gabriel catches her. She is shocked her father would bring Sylar here, but he convinces her to tell him where Stephen went so that he can listen to his story. Later that night at the rendezvous, Claire finds Stephen saddened by the fact this family did not show up. Bennet arrives and holds him at gunpoint, shocking both him and Claire. He tells Stephen to use his power to kill his partner, but Stephen refuses to do so, not wanting to be a monster, and instead launches himself into the void. As they all ride home, Bennet tells Claire he’s sorry but he’s trying to protect his family. Gabriel comments that Claire finally sees that he just uses people, revealing he knows what Bennet was trying to do with Stephen.

Hiro tells Adam more he needs his help, but he continues to choke him, leading Hiro to stop time and place him back inside his coffin. Despite Ando’s protests, he gives Adam another chance, this time being able to talk about why they need him. After proving to not have the information they need, Hiro puts him back again in the coffin, but he tells them he knows where they can get help. Adam leads them to a bar where one can hire specials for work, but Adam causes a distraction and gets away while Hiro is knocked unconscious. As Adam tries to escape, he is hit by Knox who loads him into the back of the van. 

Daphne meets again with Linderman who gives her the next job: to recruit people to join him in a new world where people with abilities are not feared, but celebrated and able to live freely. 

Angela drifts into a nap later and begins dreaming of the future in which she sees Tracy, Nathan and Peter dead. When she turns around she sees someone she recognizes telling her that he can’t have her using her ability to mess up his plans, that she won’t be able to stop him because she won’t even be able to move. She awakens, but sits still at her desk, unmoving, except for her eyes as she looks around the room. 

Hiro awakens and is distraught to have lost Adam. Later, the two put out word at the specials bar that they are looking for work and Daphne and Knox both show up. To prove themselves, Knox tells Hiro to kill Ando, to which Hiro apologizes and then drives a sword through Ando’s heart. Daphne meets Linderman again who has her next target, Matt Parkman. She manages to find out that Linderman isn’t really there as she swipes her hand through his body like a hologram. Nevertheless she leaves for her next job. 

Nearby, Maury Parkman walks quickly to a secure building where he starts talking to the same man that Angela saw in her dream, in a bed, hooked up to medical equipment, telling him out loud about how he has successfully fooled Nathan among others, into seeing Linderman. Maury answers questions that he hears in his head via his ability, and assures the unspeaking man that the team is coming together, calling him Mr. Petrelli.


Mr. Petrelli was played by Robert Forster Jr., best known for his role of Max Cherry in Jackie Brown. He got his start back in the early 70’s as the lead in the short lived series Bannon (the adventures of 1930's Los Angeles private eye) and in another short lived series called Nakia (a Native American serving as a deputy to Sam Jericho in New Mexico. Choosing an old truck or a horse over a police vehicle, he also combines tribal traditions with modern crime techniques). He’s been in a large amount of TV movies as lead, such as The Don Is Dead, The Death Squad, The City, Standing Tall, Heartbreak High, Chuck Norris’s The Delta Force, The Black Hole (a research vessel finds a missing ship, commanded by a mysterious scientist, on the edge of a black hole), the list goes on and on for 190 credits. In recent years he had smaller parts in movies Like Me, Myself and Irene, Mulholland Drive, and Charlie’s Angels. He was also Sheriff Frank Truman in Twin Peaks season 3. He worked as an actor up until 2021 when he passed away from brain cancer.

Didn't I Blow Your Mind This Time by The Delfonics:

The Black Hole robot Tom mentioned:

Chapter Six 'Dying of the Light':

Volume: Three

Written by: Chuck Kim & Christopher Zatta

Directed by: Daniel Attias

Original airdate: October 20, 2008



As Hiro is tasked with killing Ando, he quickly stops time, travels back two hours, and explains to Ando that he is going to fake stab him, and to pretend to be dead. Hiro returns to the future, and stabs Ando, convincing Knox that he can be accepted into the group. Daphne, shocked at what Hiro did, gives him his assignment to find Usutu and bring him to Pinehearst. In Africa, Hiro tries to find Usutu but the pre-cog hits him with a shovel as Hiro looks at a painting of that exact event happening. Ando convinces him to go back a minute to try and get Usutu again when he comes out of the small hut, but once again, Hiro sets a painting of Usutu hitting him on the head again. Finally, Hiro decides they must do things the old fashioned way and just wait for him to return. Once they do and go inside, Usutu congratulates them for not relying on Hiro’s powers. He shows them a painting of the villains they are looking for which include Petrelli. Usutu tells them they can take him to them, or Hiro can choose his own way.

Meredith, trapped by Doyle’s powers, is forced to break a glass and start to cut her own throat, after she says she never loved him. Claire decides to go find Meredith, but Sandra insists that she come along. Sandra provides a distraction so Claire can go in the back, but after hearing a noise, Doyle controls Sandra and brings her to the back and finds Claire waiting for him. He immediately takes control of her and disarms her taser, and has them all sit down and play a twisted version of spin the bottle and Russian roulette. Claire is forced to take a gun and aim it at her mother, but when she pulls the trigger, it doesn’t go off. When Sandra is forced to take the gun and it ends up on Claire, Claire tells her mother to do what she has to. Sandra fires several times, as the gun goes off and Claire falls backward onto the floor. Doyle is ecstatic at the event, and turns back to Sandra and Meredith, when Claire jumps up and knocks him out.  Bennet arrives later to do his usual bag and tag, with Claire barely acknowledging him. As Meredith explains how she has grown up and doesn’t need protecting, he reminds her of the bad people out there, asking her for her help. 

Knox takes Adam to see Petrelli, and while he isn’t scared at first, once he sees Arthur alive, and mentally learns of his intentions, he gets very scared as Petrelli takes his arm and drains him of everything in his entire body, leaving him only as a pile of dust. Petrelli immediately stands up, strengthened. 

Daphne talks to Linderman, realizing that they turned Hiro into a bad person, and tries to quit but he tells her that she cannot quit, laying the threat on thick. She agrees to continue, as Maury leaves the area. Matt sees Daphne as he comes down the escalator at the airport and the two begin talking, with her being curious how he knows her. He tells her about his dream but she is freaked out by the thought that they were married, and goes to leave but he grabs her attention when he mentions their future baby was named Daniella, after her grandmother. She tells him to wait there while she goes to finish some stuff up. The “stuff” includes breaking Gabriel and the Firestarter out of Level 5. Gabriel refuses to leave but Daphne leaves a Pinehearst card before zooming away with the Firestarter. 

Tracy and Nathan go to Mohinder asking for help, but he ends up injecting a serum into them both under the guise of a harmless DNA tracker, but actually puts them to sleep. They awaken to find themselves strapped to tables and ready for Mohinder to experiment on them to discover how their abilities work and how to use that information for himself. Daphne shows up and offers Mohinder the chance to work for Pinehearst, but then hears something and investigates, seeing the people Mohinder kidnapped. She leaves, realizing that he is as bad as the others.

Daphne returns to Matt and tells him that he wouldn’t fit in at Pinehearst, telling him to get away, but Matt says he wants to protect her as well. She tells him that he can’t and leaves. 

Gabriel awakens Peter from his coma but is immediately attacked by him. He calls Peter his brother and Angela his mother, but it only makes Peter angrier.  He asks Peter to read his mother’s mind but all he can see is the double intertwined helix symbol of Pinehearst. Gabriel tells Peter not to go to Pinehearst given his condition, but Peter knows he needs to stop the future he saw from happening. After Gabriel calls Angela mom again, Peter attacks him and the two fight, with Peter subduing Gabriel and putting him under sedation. He heads to Pinehearst as Petrelli and his team arrive. Petrelli tells them to back off as this is his son. He turns to face Peter who is shocked to see his dad resurrected. Petrelli asks for a hug, and apologizes it had to come to this, as he drains Peter of all his powers, leaving him defenseless on the floor. 


Similarities between Heroes and My Hero Academia

Heroes EU:

Doyle's incarceration in, and subsequent escape from, Level 5.

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Monday, August 5, 2024

RW611 - Heroes Rewatch S03E03-04 - One of Us Become Death


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom start new team ups and contemplate death as they discuss season 3 episodes 3 & 4, One of Us, One of Them and I Am Become Death.

Chapter Three 'One of Us, One of Them':

Volume: Three

Written by: Joe Pokaski

Directed by: Sergio Mimica-Gezzan

Original airdate: September 29, 2008



Angela talks to the captured, currently powerless Gabriel and tells him he was adopted. She then calls in another person named Bridget with the ability to know all about an object’s history just by touching it. Angela offers her to Gabriel as a sacrifice as she rips off the tube suppressing his powers, as he kills Bridget. Later, Bennet shows up and tells Angela he’s found news footage of the escapees robbing a bank, telling her he is only helping her until they are caught and then he wants to return to his family. Knowing he needs a partner, Angela tells him his new partner will be Gabriel. He’s aghast at the thought, but is left with no choice as she says Gabriel just needs structure that Bennet can give him. Gabriel questions whether Angela really is his mother, and she comforts him by saying that his hunger can be controlled with The Company’s help.

At the bank, Peter continually tries to stop the situation from escalating, even standing up against the Firestarter from assaulting a woman. The German cracks open the safe and they get the money they were looking for, but the police show up, with Knox revealing he called them because he wants revenge on Bennet, whom he calls the horn rimmed glasses guy. As more police arrive, The German decides he is going to leave with his cut, but Knox, his powers amplified by the fear around him, punches The German through the chest and through the wall behind him, killing him instantly.

Tracey practices her freezing powers on a rose, missing Nathan’s swearing in ceremony. He goes to her to try and find out what happened, but she is too focused on how he called her Nikim and the reporter’s research, eventually finding out about Niki and Micah, and heading off to see them in New Orleans. Once there, she finds out Niki died, and runs into Micah. He knows that she isn’t his mother, and he uses his powers to find a connection between her and his mother, revealing the name of the doctor that delivered them both, Dr. Zimmerman. She goes to find him, and he mistakenly calls her Barbara before she corrects him. When she asks if he knows her, he admits that he is responsible for creating her. 

Claire decides to not go to school, knowing that she can’t just act normal but her mother pushes back against her. Claire’s birth mother Meredith attempts to intervene, but Sandra shuts her down, causing them all to have a very awkward moment together. Later, Meredith takes Claire aside and tries to help train her by heating up an old shipping container while they’re inside, pushing Claire until she breaks and admits that she really only wants to hurt the man who attacked her, Sylar. Later, Meredith and Sandra have another argument about how to raise Claire, but Claire interrupts, saying she forgot about a cheerleader retreat, but really is just a ruse so she can get out of the house, taking her dad’s Primatech records with her.

Matt continues his spirit walk, seeing scenes from his past that have come true, painted by the man who found him in the desert. The man says he’s been painting Parkman his whole life, but now the paintings must be changed, throwing paint over an image of Matt with a loving woman and young baby together with him. Matt tries to stop him but the man’s eyes have gone Issac white as he has entered the future telling trance state. Later, Matt tries to achieve the same state by eating something the man has prepared, but it takes the man's headphones being placed on to Matt to push him into it.

Hiro and Ando track Daphne to a German movie theater, and confront her but after she tells them her plans, she can’t run away, her powers not working. Hiro also cannot use his powers as they see the Haitian with a briefcase walking by and entering the theater. Hiro and Ando follow him, watching him inside when Daphne shows up and tries to cause a rift between them, calling Ando a sidekick. When The Haitian leaves, Hiro follows him, with Ando trailing behind, upset at being left again. As they see that The Haitian has the other half of the formula, they devise a plan that Ando decides to not follow to the letter, instead knocking out the Haitian, enabling them to get the briefcase. Unfortunately, that also means Daphne’s powers have returned and she runs in and steals the briefcase from them, running away as Hiro and Ando are grabbed by the now awakened Haitian, and then placed into containment at The Company. 

Bennet and Gabriel show up to the bank, with Bennet trying to take the lead but Sylar takes on the personality of a typical FBI agent and manages to take over from the police, getting them full access. Bennet goes inside, telling Gabriel to wait outside. The plan works in that the hostages are released, but it’s discovered that Peter, inside of Jesse’s body, has been discovered by Knox after a trick question he asked. As Knox turns his attention to Bennett, trading barbs with him, Peter yells at the Firestarter that no one dies today, setting off Jesse’s sound power and knocking his captor out. He then sets his power on Knox, knocking him over, as well as Bennet when everything suddenly stops. Scarred Peter has shown up and frozen time, and then removes Present Peter from Jesse, taking him away to show him the trouble the world is facing. Once they leave, time unfreezes and Knox and Jesse both begin beating on Bennet, but Gabriel shows up and uses his powers to hold them still. The Firestarter recovers and goes to use his powers against Sylar when Bennet grabs a gun from the floor and shoots him, knocking him out. As they wrap things up, Gabriel tricks Bennet into going outside as he slams the door shut and kills Jesse, taking his power while Knox runs away. Gabriel tells Bennet that the hunger is just too great. Back at the Company, The Firestarter is placed back into containment, as well as Gabriel, telling Angela she was wrong about him, but she simply says that they will see. Outside the cells, the Haitian asks Bennet if he is being replaced, with Bennet telling him just temporarily, just until he finds Sylar’s weakness and kills him. 


Sergio Mimica-Gezzan is a working TV director. His first directing credit was on Steven Speilberg’s Taken mini series, and also directed an episode of Surface, among many other credits.

Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine was the desert man named Usutu. In 2020, he was named one of the biggest breakout stars and was awarded the coveted Best Actor Award at the Durban International Film Festival for his lead performance in Ekwa Msangi’s Farewell Armor (reunited after 17 years, an Angolan immigrant is joined in the U.S. by his wife and daughter. Now strangers sharing a one-bedroom apartment, they discover a shared love of dance that may help them overcome the distance between them). He was also in 26 episodes of Treme (life after Hurricane Katrina as the residents of New Orleans try to rebuild their lives, their homes, and their unique culture in the aftermath of one of the worst natural disasters in the USA).

He was in 10 episodes of The Lincoln Lawyer (25 episode series), and 30 episodes of The Chi (a timely coming-of-age drama series centered on a group of residents who become linked by coincidence but bonded by the need for connection and redemption). He was also a lead in the movie Tasmanian Devil (after moving to the United States, Nigerian immigrant Dayo (Attah) struggles to find a balance between his desire to join a college fraternity and bonding with his estranged father who is a strict pastor at a local church).

Chapter Four 'I Am Become Death':

Volume: Three

Written by: Aron Eli Coleite

Directed by: David Von Ancken

Original airdate: October 6, 2008



As Mohinder analyzes his rotting skin, he hears a disturbance in a neighboring loft and goes to investigate, witnessing a woman in an obvious domestic violence situation, but after Suresh busts in to help and attacks the man, the woman yells at him to leave. Maya shows up later and comments on how he’s left food out rotting and let the lab become a complete mess. She tries to get him to go out with her and have some fun but he gets aggressively angry with her, causing her to leave.

Tracy talks with Doctor Zimmerman and he starts to explain about his experiments and giving children powers through DNA manipulation. Tracy wants to know who was responsible but the doctor actually can’t remember, saying they were all made to forget. Tracy gets distraught and grabs him, begging to have her abilities removed, but he says he can’t do that. Her abilities go into overdrive and he starts to freeze before she calms down and leaves. 

Meanwhile, Scarred Peter takes Present Peter four years into the future and shows him how everyone has abilities, being either born with them, or paying for them, due a formula that was developed. Scarred Peter tells Present Peter that he needs to find Sylar and change the past, that he couldn’t do it because he had “stepped on too many butterflies” and made mistakes. He warns his past self about Nathan, Claire, and Mohinder, but before he can say much more, he is shot by Claire, who has arrived, along with The Haitian. Claire takes aim at Present Peter but he manages to elude them both, heading to Mohinder’s lab, asking him why he needs to find Sylar, but Mohinder has gone totally native insectoid like, creeping around in the corners. Peter reads his mind and finds Sylar’s location, teleporting away to Costa Verde, where he finds Claire’s old house, inhabited by a young boy named Noah, and his dad, Gabriel. As he talks with Gabriel, the father realizes who Peter is and pulls him aside to talk, telling him he is Gabirel, and no longer the man he was, Sylar. Peter tells him he needs his ability to save the world and asks him to paint the future, to which he does, and sees the earth exploding. He takes off his broken watch, the one that gave him the name Sylar, and instructs him on how to see the insides and how it works, and how to fix it, showing Peter how to access his ability. 

Claire stands over the comatose Scarred Peter, as Knox and Daphne discuss their options upon learning about a second Peter being there. Claire wants to use Molly to find Peter, which Daphne is against, but Knox says if she doesn’t ask, then he will ask instead. Daphne returns home to her husband, Matt and their new baby. Matt is extremely happy to be married and have an actual family, but they argue about asking Molly to use her abilities. Eventually Daphne wins out and Molly tells them Peter’s location. 

Back in the present day, Ando and Hiro, still in containment, argue with each other, with Ando angry that Hiro no longer trusts him, putting the two at odds as Ando refuses to help him anymore.

Nathan, newly appointed as senator, is being asked to choose a desk for his office, and Linderman appears, suggesting one particular model, but Nathan goes his own way, pushing back against the man that no one else can see. They argue, with Linderman telling him he will be President, but Nathan can’t believe that and insists on going his own way.

Back in the future, as Peter and Gabriel stare at the painting of the exploded earth, Noah calls out to him, and they leave to find Knox holding his son captive and Daphne and Claire nearby. They tell Peter if he comes with them everything will be fine. Gabriel tries to tell Peter to go, but he won’t, wanting to save them. Claire tells him that once he’s dead, the boy will be released. Claire goes to shoot Peter but he uses Daphne’s superspeed to dodge as Daphne attacks Peter. Noah runs towards Gabriel and he tells his son to hide as Knox comes at him. The two fight, but Knox, powered up due to the boy’s fear, kicks Gabriel away into furniture that hits Noah and kills him. Gabriel freaks out, and begins manifesting Ted Sprague’s powers and goes nuclear, killing everyone within four miles of the town.

Back in the past, Hiro tries to use his belt to pull down a grate to escape, but Ando intervenes. Hiro won’t let go of the belt, but Ando wins the tug of war and manages to pull the grate down so Hiro can escape. Hiro realizes he can’t reach the grate though and asks Ando for help one more time. As Ando helps him, Hiro starts to apologize, realizing how badly he has been treating his friend. As Hiro finally reaches the grate, The Haitian enters, taking the two to see Angela. 

Tracy, distraught over the information she discovered from Doctor Zimmerman, places a call to the police, intending to tell him she murdered the reporter, but her powers activate as she gets stressed and the phone becomes frozen and falls and breaks. She goes to Nathan and decides to resign. She leaves but Linderman appears and tells Nathan that he has to help her. Nathan finds Tracy ready to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge but he swoops down and rescues her, showing her his ability. She later then shows him her ability to freeze things. 

Mohinder continues his experiments and realizes he can’t stop what is happening to him and cannot remove any abilities, noticing the sticky web-like substance on his fingers. As someone knocks on his door, he answers it to find the angry husband who attacks him. Mohinder is unfazed due to his strength and pulls the man inside the loft.

Back in the future, President Nathan Petrelli and his wife, the First Lady Tracy Strauss, comment on the sad event that led to the destruction in Costa Verde. Elsewhere, Claire and the Haitian, have Present Peter captive alongside the comatose Scarred Peter as she cuts him, intending for him to feel the pain for all the people that died in her hometown. Nathan arrives, asking to talk alone with Peter, and he releases Peter, telling him that because of what Peter did, the government has sanctioned an army of men and women with abilities. He tells Peter to read his mind to see if he’s lying. Peter realizes that Nathan really believes this is a good idea and decides that he needs to understand Nathan better, cutting his head open, being fueled by Gabriel’s ability’s hunger, and thus killing his brother. 

Peter teleports away into the past, into Sylar’s cell, telling him that he has his ability now Sylar tells him that he is like him now but Peter says he will never be like him. Sylar says that he already is, calling him brother. 

Back in the future, Matt and Molly watch news reports of the explosion in Costa Verde, with Daphne returning home. As Matt goes to her, she collapses, revealing she wasn’t fast enough as radiation burns cover her entire back. Back in the past, Matt awakens from his trance, seeing what he and the Usutu painted and what they mean, intending to find Daphne. Usutu talks about a totem that will guide him, an animal that will help him, as Matt looks down upon a turtle.

Angela talks to Hiro, expressing how he is such a disappointment despite his father’s great hopes. Ando defends Hiro, telling her that Hiro will save them. Together, the two men go and dig up Adam Monroe’s body. He awakens, and starts choking Hiro. 

Heroes EU:

The Sting of Injustice
How escaped Level 5 inmates Knox and Jesse first aroused The Company's attention.

The events that lead up to Claire's decision to kill Peter Petrelli.

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