Monday, August 19, 2024

RW614 - Heroes Rewatch S03E07 - Eris Quod Sum


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom take everything they want as they discuss season 3 episodes 7, Eris Quod Sum.

Chapter Seven 'Eris Quod Sum':

Volume: Three

Written by: Jesse Alexander

Directed by: Jeannot Szwarc

Original airdate: October 27, 2008



Nathan and Tracy face off against Mohinder, refusing to give him any more samples of their genes, as Mohinder grabs Maya and jumps out of the window in the ceiling. They call Bennet who comes and saves them after Tracy gets strangled trying to help one of the cocooned people on the walls. 

Peter, reliving the events of the last few days while knocked out and handcuffed to a bed, awakens to hear his father telling him what they did was for the greater good. Arthur tries to convince him but to no avail. 

Claire and Sandra return home to find their lights flickering and Lyle on the floor. Nearby, Elle has returned but asks for help because her powers have become uncontrollable. Together they decide to go to Pinehearst, with Elle having been recruited by Daphne earlier. They take a plane, arguing as they are wont to do, causing a problem with the plane systems as it starts to dive from the air. Claire tells Elle to release her electricity into her, so that she can take it. The ploy works and the plane rights itself and continues on its way. 

Mohinder, having retreated to Pinehearst, talks with Arthur and watches as the man removes Maya’s ability, leaving her happy to be free from her curse. Maya however is leaving, unable to trust Mohinder anymore, despite his insistence that he was only trying to help. She leaves to make amends with those she has hurt and suggests he does the same. Arthur shows Mohinder to a room where his scientists are working on the stolen halves of the formula, asking him to help fix it. Mohinder is worried about a hidden agenda, but ends up staying.

Arthur reprimands Daphne for not recruiting Parkman, but Knox knows she is scared and lying due to her fear. Arthur orders her to make it right by killing Matt, but Maury steps in, saying that wasn't the deal. Arthur simply kills Maury as Daphne begs for another way to fix things.

Angela, in her coma, manages to contact Gabriel, convincing him he is more capable than anyone knows, and indeed he is able to free himself and goes to free Peter at her request. 

Daphne holds Matt up at his apartment with a gun, but she refuses to kill him, giving in and dropping the gun. Together they come up with a plan to throw off Knox so that when he arrives he THINKS he kills them both due to Matt’s ability to make Knox see whatever Matt wants him to see. 

Mohinder begins to prepare Peter to test out a new version of the serum, but Gabriel shows up and flings him aside, rescuing Peter. With his new strength, Mohinder attacks Sylar and begins beating on him while Peter escapes but Arthur stops and holds Gabriel suspended in the air, monologuing to him about Angela’s lies and how she tried to kill Gabriel when he was just a baby. Peter comes back to try to get Gabriel, but he tells Peter he is going to listen to their father and flings Peter out a window to his certain death below. Arthur comments that it’s strange the fall didn’t kill Peter, before taking a phone call from Daphne, who reports that their plan worked, and Matt believes they are safe from Knox and Petrelli now. 

Elle and Claire arrive to see Peter falling from the window and are astonished that he isn’t dead. He tells them that the man inside took his abilities, and Elle decides to head inside while Claire gets Peter home to Nathan. Nathan is disbelieving that his father is still alive, but decides to head to Pinehearst with Tracy. Peter tells Claire he thinks Sylar purposely threw him out the window to help him escape, slowing his fall to save him. 

Hiro continues to refuse to travel to the past, despite Ando’s insistence. Usutu tells him he must choose his path or it will be chosen for him. Hiro eats a paste that Usutu makes, as he tells him of using a spirit walk to help guide him, after which, Hiro falls into the white eyed precognition trance.

Back Issues:

Heroes EU:

Graphic Novels:

Sum Quod Sum Parts 1 

Elle gets by with a little help from a friend.

Sum Quod Sum Parts 2

Elle gets some assistance.


Sylar's first and only solo mission.


Heroes: Destiny Parts 1-2

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