Monday, October 7, 2024

RW625 - Heroes Rewatch S03E16-17 - Building Wars


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom will not stand idly by or hold secrets as they discuss season 3 episodes 16 & 17, Building 26 and Cold Wars.

Chapter Three 'Building 26':

Volume: Four

Written by: Rob Fresco

Directed by: Sergio Mimica-Gezzan

Original airdate: February 16, 2009



As the Bennett have a family breakfast, compete with Lyle, Sandra makes small talk with Claire but Claire is unwilling, leaving her father to question her later about how they have to be careful because they are being watched.  As Bennet leaves her with instructions to start attending community college, Claire gets a text from Rebel, telling her to save a boy named Alex at the local comic book store.

Luke tries to be friends with Sylar, making jokes, but Sylar is impatient with him, given he’s refusing to give Sylar the exact location of his father. Sylar threatens him after Luke tries to lie about the location, but backs off, knowing he’s stuck with the kid for the moment. Stopping at a diner, Luke tells him that Sylar’s father used to take him bird watching, and it triggers a memory for Sylar of being pulled by his father in the same red wagon. They go into the cafe and after Luke uses his powers to play a joke on a man, Sylar tells him the rules he has for using his powers, about not getting emotional, having an objective, and a goal, and not just using them for amusement. Luke decides to give Sylar his father’s address, telling him he hopes that Sylar won’t kill him now that he has the information he needed. Sylar then notices that agents have begun entering the diner and tells Luke they need to go but they are held up by armed agents. Luke makes a distraction, enabling Sylar to use his powers and escape, but leaving Luke behind. As the agents bag and tag Luke and begin to drive away, the vehicle stops suddenly. All communication with their home base is cut off as Sylar emerges from the van, clad in the agent’s uniforms, now bloodied as he has killed them all. He unties Luke, removing the drug feed from him, and escapes. 

Hiro and Ando head to India so Hiro can fulfill his destiny to stop a wedding from happening in order to get his powers back. Ando however sees the bride, Annapoura, as Hiro goes off in search of his destiny. Ando and the bride connect and she sees him and his display of his powers as a sign to not get married. Unfortunately the groom, Deepak, a powerful man in India,  confronts the bride and knocks out Ando, taking him hostage and forcing the marriage to happen. Hiro arrives at the wedding later and demands that it be stopped, calling out Deepak for his crimes and how Annapoura is being forced into it. She admits this to grandfather who just wants her to be happy, but Deepak is enraged. Hiro stands up to him, punching him, as he falls to his knees, calling the wedding off and agreeing to return Ando. Later, Ando and Hiro receive a fax that Annapoura received from Rebel, telling them to go to LA and save Matt Parkman.

Nathan gets a visit from his new boss, Abby Collins, who has come to see exactly what is going on with his operation, shocked to discover that Tracy, someone she knows, is chained and being held by heat lamps, vowing to Nathan that she is shutting the whole thing down, not believing his stories of people with powers. When she returns, Nathan tries to convince her again, but they are interrupted by Tracy who has managed to break her chains and escape. She freezes a man to death but is then tased by Nathan’s operatives as Abby finally understands, and promises Nathan whatever funding he needs. Nathan confronts Danko later, telling him that he knows he fixed things so Tracy could escape, thereby giving Abby the proof she needed to keep the project alive. Danko unsympathetically says sometimes in a war, someone needs to fall on a grenade.

Claire goes to Sam’s Comics and tries to tell Alex to leave, but he doesn’t believe it’s real, just a joke by his friend. Claire cuts her hand and shows him how she can heal before seeing her father enter the shop. Alex, now believing, pushes a rack into Bennet, enabling them both to escape in his car. After driving away, they stop and talk about what they should do next, but Claire’s notices that they’ve been followed, abandoning the car. Bennet checks in with Danko who raises suspicions that Claire was seen in the vicinity. Bennet confronts Claire later but she pushes back against him, returning home. She tells her mom about what happened during their college trip, and how Bennet has returned to his old ways. When he returns home, Sandra admonishes him, and tells him to move out of the house. As he says goodbye to Claire and leaves, we see that Alex is hiding in her room, as Claire begins helping him to get away safely. Bennet heads to a local bar, drowning his sorrows, but soon finds himself woozy and passes out as Parkman, Peter, and Mohinder pick him up, and take him away. 


Abby was played by Moira Kelly and is best known for her role of Karen in One Tree Hill. She was in various Twin Peaks properties, and 22 episodes of The West Wing. She’s done voice work as Nala in various Lion King movies, animated and live action, and she also appeared in Cannibal: the Musical. Most recently she has been in the series Citadel (global spy agency Citadel has fallen, and its agents' memories were wiped clean. Now the powerful syndicate, Manticore, is rising in the void).

Annapura was played by Amrapali Ambegaokar. She’s mostly a character actress, with some recurring roles as a reporter in Scandal, and an intern on Grey’s Anatomy. 

Anna’s friend Shaila was played by Aarti Mann, best known for playing Raj’s sister, Priya, on The Big Bang Theory. More recently, she was in the series The Recruit (Owen Hendricks, a CIA lawyer becomes involved in massive international conflicts with dangerous parties after an asset tries to expose her relationship to the agency).

Alex was played by Justin Baldoni, best known for his role of Rafael in Jane the Virgin. Previously, he was a recurring character in Everwood (with Treat Williams, a widowed brain surgeon from Manhattan moves his two children to the small mountain town of Everwood, Colorado), amongst a number of other minor roles.

Chapter Four 'Cold Wars':

Volume: Four

Written by: Christopher Zatta and Aron Eli Coleite & Joe Pokaski

Directed by: Seith Mann

Original airdate: February 23, 2009



Parkman, Peter, and Mohinder begin their journey into Bennet’s mind to find out the details of their opposition, starting back five weeks ago when Bennet met Angela. She gives him a watch as a symbol of the end of the Company, wanting to get her family back together again, but Bennet is unsure of what to do, having only ever done this type of work.

As Matt uses his powers to dig deeper, Mohinder questions his motivation and wonders how far he will go to get the answers they need.

Danko is concerned because Bennet hasn’t checked in as scheduled, while Nathan realizes that Danko has everyone on surveillance, including himself. 

Back in the past, Matt sees Bennet bored with his new home life, and being approached by Nathan, asking him to be a part of his new task force in rounding up people with abilities. Matt gives Peter the address of a secret storage locker Bennet has and he goes to find it. Unfortunately, Danko is monitoring it and finds Peter there, ordering his men in to capture him. Peter uses some of the weapons he finds to blind the agents however, and he flies out quickly, carrying off as many weapons as he can. 

Matt goes back into Bennet’s memories and finds the moment where he meets Danko and discovers that he isn’t really in charge of Nathan’s operation like he thought he would be. The two have a disagreement on whether they should be using people with abilities to help them, with Danjko seeing them only as targets, not as people. Matt then sees Bennet go to Mohinder, asking him for his help because of the danger Danko’s force represents. Mohinder tells him he refused to join him, but Matt attacks him anyway. As they fight, Bennet escapes. They try to track him down in the parking lot but it is Peter who has just returned who recaptures him.

Matt goes back in and finds out where Danko lives when he sees a memory of Bennet going to his apartment, hoping to try and talk with him and come to a compromise with their new methods. Peter goes to the address and holds Danko up, but Danko calls his bluff. Nathan shows up suddenly, shocking Danko, leaving Peter to shoot Danko in the arm, proving he’s serious. Nathan tells him if he kills anyone then he will become the monster they think he is, warning him that his men are closing in on Mohinder and Matt. Peter takes off to get back to his friends. 

As the men search the hotel for Matt and Mohinder, Matt goes into Bennet’s mind with his permission, having told Matt that Daphne is still alive. He does so and sees it is actually the truth, while Mohinder, having gone out to attack the men as a distraction, ends up being captured. The agents finally find Matt and start drugging him, taking him out and into custody, but Peter flies down at the last second and whips him away before they can do anything. 

Mohinder, captured and chained to the floor, is confronted by Nathan, threatening him that if he doesn’t help him, his associates are going to kill Daphne, and then Mohinder as well.

Bennet talks with Danko, telling him he is fully committed now, having lost his family for now. He then talks with Angela, returning her watch, indicating he is still in the game. She tells him he is going to have to make tough choices to prove his loyalty to Danko and company, with Bennet saying he has always been comfortable with morally gray. 

Peter returns to Isaac’s loft where we see Matt in the precognition trance making a number of paintings, specifically of bombs, himself strapped to many of them, and a giant explosion at the White House. 

Heroes EU:

The Swimmer

Some of Alex Woolsley's back-story is revealed.

Comrades Part 1

Noah & Claude meet a retired Ivan whilst hunting "The Russian".

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