Monday, May 27, 2024

RW600 - Heroes Rewatch S02E09-10 - Cautionary Consequences


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom are gaslit and gullible as they discuss season 2 episodes 9 & 10, Cautionary Tales and Truth & Consequences.

Chapter Nine 'Cautionary Tales':

Volume: Two

Written by: Joe Pokaski

Directed by: Greg Yaitanes

Original airdate: November 19, 2007



Claire doubles down on her not willing to move with the family, leaving her father to even threaten to tie her up if she doesn’t listen. Sandra intervenes enough to convince her to go to school and say goodbye to her friends, with Claire telling her father she hates him. She tries to contact West via spelling “sorry” with some stones that he can see from above and he approaches her, asking if she was always a spy. She tells him the truth, and that she just wanted him to like her for her, but he says he can’t trust her and leaves. 

Bennett shows his wife the paintings and explains why he’s doing what he’s doing. She supports him but shows signs of being fed up with everything. He calls Mohinder and asks him to use Molly to help find West, getting very short with him, but Mohinder agrees to help. However as Bennett leaves the house, he is tackled by West and flown up in the air.

Mohinder is introduced to Bob’s daughter Elle, his new partner. After getting Bennet’s call, he decides they don’t need to attack Bennett, but instead distract him with West’s location and get Claire while she’s at school. 

Up in the air, West tells Bennett that he knows he doesn’t have super strength and they could fall, and wants answers. Bennett starts telling him why they abducted him but West wants to know if Claire worked for them to spy on him. Bennett tells him no, and that Claire lied to him about West so he must be important to her. They land roughly and Bennett tackles West, pinning him down, but here get a phone call from Mohinder, telling him that West has been located by Molly across town, telling him to hurry there. Bennet realizes it’s a trap and asks West to help him save Claire.   

At school, Claire is called aside from cheerleading practice to talk with a man about the drunk Debbie incident, but the man, Bob, slips up and calls Claire “Miss Bennett” causing Claire to panic and start running away. She gets home to tell her mom, but Bob enters, holding them up at gunpoint, tying up Sandra, and then abducting Claire. 

Bennet goes to meet Mohinder and realizes he’s gone native, loyal to the company now. Mohinder orders him to drive away at gunpoint. When the car stops they get out and Bennet asks where Mohinder’s partner is as Elle steps out from behind a corner and begins walking towards them. West suddenly appears and swoops into Elle knocking her out as Bennet takes down Mohinder,  ready to shoot him until West shouts out to him. They take Elle back to the Butler home and place her feet into water so she can’t use her powers without hurting herself. Bennett tells her how Bob volunteered her for the Company to be tested, being infused with electricity. She has no memory of it and Bennett suggests that it sounds like her memories were removed, alluding to the Haitian. Bennett tells Elle that he hid Claire from the Company because he didn’t want her to end up like Elle. He calls Bob and offers a trade, daughter for daughter. West wants to help, and Sandra comments that Claire liking West reminds her of Bennett himself, both looking out to protect Claire.

At the trade off, Claire returns to her father with a hug, West grabs her and begins flying away as Elle breaks free of her bonds and shoots them, causing them both to fall to the ground below. Bennet shoots Elle in the arm as Bob tries to comfort her. Bennet holds the gun on Bob, intending to kill him to shut down the Company, but Mohinder draws his gun and aims it at Bennet, shooting him in the eye as he falls, just like in the painting. West grabs Claire and flies away to safety back to her house, where she and her mother console each other over Bennet’s death. 

Molly wakes up and begins chatting with Matt, who refuses to let her help find the people in the Company photo, wanting them to just be a normal family. As she hugs him, she asks why they can’t just try and use their powers, and Matt thinks to her “just do it for me” and Molly suddenly says she will do it for him, and then starts walking back to her room. Matt thinks to her again to “come back and finish your cereal” and she follows that unspoken command as well.

Later at work, trying to get info about Kaito’s death from the FBI, Matt is cut off by Detective Fuller, but Matt places a thought in the man’s head to allow him time to question Angela again, and Detective Fuller voices that thought out loud. Matt talks to Angela and wants to know about the people in the photos but she pushes his thoughts away easily. Matt then starts to press using his newfound ability and Angela realizes he is stronger. He thinks of her to tell the truth to his questions and she begins telling him everything: how Adam is the person killing them all, how he is over 400 years old, and how people with regeneration powers not only regenerate but that they also do not age. When Matt presses for the name of the last woman in the picture, she refuses, saying that she wants to be left alone and if Matt takes that secret from her, he is no better than his father, as her nose starts to bleed from her struggle to fight against Matt’s power. Later we see Matt looking at the photos, with the name written on it that he pulled from Angela’s mind: Victoria Pratt.

Hiro attends his father’s funeral but quickly runs off, choosing to visit him in the past, telling him that he comes from a future where he has been murdered. Kaito accepts it as his fate but Hiro refuses to accept it and time travels with him to the funeral of his mother many years ago. Hiro runs into his younger self, and after their interaction, he understands how changing his father’s future isn’t right,  and the two return to the future. Kaito tells his son he is proud of him as they bid goodbye, with Hiro teleporting away, saddened at not being able to change his father’s fate. He returns later, right after the hooded man tackles Kaito and pushes him over the edge of the building. Hiro freezes time, and goes to see who the man is, realizing with shock that it is Kensei, alive. Hiro returns to his father’s funeral and tells them that he won’t eulogize his father because he isn’t really gone, explaining how he taught him how to be a hero, and as long as his lessons live on in him, Kaito will never die. 

In a cell at the Company facility, we see Bennett hooked up to an IV filled with Claire’s blood, which Bob took from her before they left for the trade off. As the blood enters his system, we see Bennet’s eye regenerate, and then he comes back to life, sitting up suddenly.


Greg Yaitanes is a long time working director, he’s worked on shows such as Cleopatra 2525, Children of Dune, Cold Case, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York, Alias, Bones, Prison Break, Lost, Twilight Zone (2019 remake of Terror at 30,000 Feet) just to name a few of his many credits.

Papa Petrelli? That you?

Chapter Ten 'Truth & Consequences':

Volume: Two

Written by: Jesse Alexander

Directed by: Adam Kane

Original airdate: November 26, 2007


Peter tells Adam about how he traveled to the future and saw the way the Shanti virus had decimated the world, which leads Adam to remember Victoria Pratt, the creator of the virus, and the one responsible for weaponizing the virus on Company orders. Peter is determined to find the virus and stop it from being released in order to save Caitlyn.

The two find Victoria Pratt but Peter approaches alone. She pulls a gun on him but orders him inside to hear more about why he’s there. Peter explains his travel to the future, asking for her help so he can destroy the virus. She tells him it’s at a facility in New Mexico, but when he returns to Adam, she follows him  and shoots Adam, and then Peter. As she prepares to shoot off Adam’s head, something Adam said would kill him permanently, Peter heals and knocks out Victoria.  Back in her house and tied up, Peter uses his mind reading ability to find out the true location of the virus, Odessa, Texas. Adam begins untying Victoria to let her go, but it was his plan all along, knowing she would go for her gun and try to kill them, allowing him to then shoot her dead in self defense. 

Bob delivers Bennet’s ashes to his family, lying about his death, while Sandra holds him off at gunpoint. He leaves, telling them they are free to enjoy a normal life, but he then tells Elle to keep watch on Claire. Elle comments on her wound, but Bob admonishes her for messing up the entire operation and has no sympathy for her. 

Claire is saddened by having to leave, and wishes she could contact the Haitian so he could remove her memories of her father so things wouldn’t hurt so much. West tells her forgetting isn’t the answer, leading the Bennets to decide to go and spread Noah’s ashes along the beach. Afterwards, Claire notices Elle watching her and confronts her, smashing her car window, telling her she could tell the world her secret, and what happened, which could possibly lead to them being on the run instead of Claire and her family.

Bennett awakens in his cell, with Mohinder telling him Claire’s blood saved him, and that they all think he died. Bennet is outraged they took Claire’s blood but Mohinder has no sympathy for him, only commenting that he can use the blood to save a sick woman before leaving him alone. With his new cure ready he admonishes Bob about keeping their copies of the viruses, and demands that they work together to find all traces of them and destroy them, to which Bob seemingly agrees to. 

Damon, surprised at how much Micah’s comics could be worth, steals his backpack, taking the comics to someone who told him they could tell him their worth.  Niki returns to New Orleans and reunites with Micah, telling him about the virus. Micah is worried but as they talk, he wants to show her DL’s medal, to help her feel stronger. Micah discovers his backpack gone, and they all question Damon who admits the guys stole it from him. Micah punches him and then begs Niki to let them use their powers and be heroes and retrieve it but she is adamant that they should let Nana Dawson call the police. Later in the evening, Monica dresses up like St Joan in all black, and tells Micah she knows where those guys live. Micah uses his ability to turn off the street lamps, and Monica's ability to learn how to climb up the house and get inside undetected. She finds the backpack with the comics and medal, but the gang members return home and catch her, throwing her into their van as they drive off and Micah runs home.

Gabriel has a picnic with Maya, using that villain “rizz” to get her more enamored with him. He suggests letting Alejandro return home and then begins bringing up things that would make her emotional, including how she killed her brother’s wife, and how he likely hates her, hoping to activate her power. When it starts to activate, he begs her to try and turn it off, which she does, showing her that she is growing and learning to control it herself and doesn’t need her brother anymore. 


Maya tells Alejandro what happened, but he shows her a newspaper article that shows how Gabriel killed his mother. Gabriel enters and she asks him if it’s true and he admits it but twists the story so it makes him sympathetic. Maya understands it as she too was thought of as a monster and tells Alejandro that she will go with Gabriel to see Suresh without him. The brother leaves but then returns later to confront Gabriel and fight him, but his full Sylar comes out and  gets the better of Alejandro, using a knife to kill him. Maya knocks on his door, and Gabriel answers it, shirtless, explaining that he was taking a shower, and the two begin to kiss as he shuts the door behind him on the dead corpse of Alejandro. Later, Mohinder goes to travel to Nikki, but gets a phone call from Sylar, revealing he is at Mohinder’s apartment with Molly. 

Ando and Hiro research Adam Monroe and find links to him and Hiro’s father and the day he ordered Adam to be imprisoned. Hiro travels back and witnesses his young father ordering Adam locked away and then how Victoria Pratt tells Kaito to destroy the viruses. Kaito responds that the other founders would never allow that, leading Victoria to tell him she won’t be part of it anymore. Hiro returns to the future, and gives to Odessa, stopping time, and confronting Peter, surprised to see him with Adam. Peter tells him he won’t allow Hiro to hurt Adam and Hiro rushes towards him with his sword while Peter readies his electricity powers.


Jesse Alexander is not the actor who played Lady Sif in the Marvel Thor films, but rather an award winning writer and producer. He wrote the screenplay for the feature Eight Legged Freaks, and episodes of Alias, Heroes, Star Trek Discovery, and American Gods, to name just a few.

Victoria Pratt was played by Joanna Cassidy, known for playing Zhora the snake lady from Bladerunner. She’s got over 170 roles to her name, many of which are multiple episode recurring roles as well as one offs. She was a lead cast member in the comedy Odd Mom Out (the fantastically outrageous world of the uber-wealthy momzillas of New York's Upper East Side), and had recurring roles on Body of Proof (Dana Delaney, Medical examiner Megan Hunt's unique approach to solving crimes puts her at odds with her superiors) and Call Me Fitz (a Jason Priestly vehicle, A morally bankrupt car salesman is forced to become business partners with his inner conscience, an off-beat dogooder intent on healing Fitz's mangled psyche, one hilarious disaster at a time). She also played Margaret Chenowith, a recurring character across five seasons of Six Feet Under. She voiced Maggie Sawyer in the Superman Animated Series, a spin off from The Batman Animated Series.

Young Victoria was played by Jamie Ray Newman. She had a recurring role in Netflix’s The Punisher miniseries, and was a supporting character in season 4 of Bates Motel. She made several appearances in the show Eureka (a remote, cozy little Northwestern town where the best minds in the US have secretly been tucked away to build futuristic inventions for the government which often go disastrously wrong), several episodes of Veronica Mars, and was one of the main leads in Eastwick (a mysterious man bestows unique powers to three women). She also had a stint of 68 episodes on General Hospital as well. She has recently appeared in Dopesick on Hulu, and a few episodes of The Time Traveler’s Wife.

Heroes EU:

Revolutionary War Parts 1-2

Kensei fights for the English in the Revolutionary War, not because he believes in it but because he is bored. He hears of a man who can seemingly cheat death and is destroying many of Kensei fellow soldiers. He seeks him out, a man who calls himself Evan, proclaiming to be able to defeat death, leaving Kensei to stab him, and causing the man to actually die. As the battle rages on, Kensei’s men leave him, and Kensei finds himself battling a horde of men who look just like Evan, realizing that he doesn’t have regenerative powers but can make many copies of himself. Kensei sets himself on a new mission to find the source Evan, the original, and kill him, so that all copies would be stopped. The search is futile as he fights Evan again and again all over the nation, with Evan commenting on how Kensei is alone and fights alone, while he has a whole army united in strength. Eventually, while facing off against a bunch of Evan’s again, he falls off a cliff into the water below, and decides that seeing how he is a god, he deserves disciples.

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