Monday, June 3, 2024

RW601 - Heroes Rewatch S02E11 - Powerless


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom are gaslit and gullible as they discuss season 2 episodes 11, Powerless.

Chapter Eleven 'Powerless':

Volume: Two

Written by: Jeph Loeb

Directed by: Allan Arkush

Original airdate: December 3, 2007



Mohinder returns home to confront Sylar to find him playing the part of nice guy, introducing Maya who is cooking them food. Mohinder calls attention to Sylar’s past  but she already knows and admits her past crimes. Sylar mentions Mohinder’s work with Claire’s blood and the cure for the virus when Myaa inadvertently reveals that Sylar has lost his powers. Mohinder tries to get the jump on Sylar with a knife but Sylar pulls a gun and holds him off.  Sylar intends to take the cure and combine it with Claire’s blood but Maya gets angry at Sylar’s intentions, and her power activates, affecting them all. Luckily, Sylar gets her to stop before Molly dies from Maya's power.

They all go to Mohinder’s lab, while he secretly activates an alarm, hoping someone at the Company will see. Sylar is suspicious when Mohinder wants to take a sample of his blood, but eventually agrees. Molly says she will find Alejandro for Maya, but they are saddened to find out that she can’t find him, due to his death. Maya confronts Sylar, livid that he killed her brother, leading Sylar to shoot her before she can unleash her power. 

Micah returns home to find Nikki and he explains what happened to Monica. She explains she lost her powers because of the virus, but Micah uses his powers to locate Monica, who is tied up, the thug planning to burn down the building with her inside. As Micah and Nikki find the building, they see the thug trying to get away but Nikki pulls in front of him and then beats the thug up using her own strength. She runs inside and saves Monica, but is unable to get herself out. Micah and Monica watch as the building explodes and is engulfed in fire. 

Meanwhile Claire studies her father’s records of The Company, intending to go completely public while Bob dresses down his daughter Elle, who is crushed to be benched from the assignment. She asks Bennett about her past and he tells her about how the Company kept pushing Elle to use her powers more and more, even as a young 7 year old. Bob tells Noah about Claire’s plans, and how they’re going to have to take measures to keep her quiet. Elle sneaks into her father’s office and logs into the security system to see Sylar with his captives. Seeing a chance to redeem herself, she goes after Sylar.  

Back at home, West shows up to tell Claire that she shouldn’t go public because he likes his secrets and finding that he could share things with her. Claire gives West his Company file as he flies away out of her life. Suddenly, Mr. Bennett appears and reveals how he was brought back to life, much to everyone’s shock. He tells them he made a deal to keep them all safe from the Company, but that he needs to go with them now, leaving with Bob. 

Back at the lab, Mohinder gives Sylar the healing blood, with Sylar telling him to use it on Maya first to see if it works. Immediately, the bullet is pushed out of Maya’s body and she begins to heal. Elle shows up and begins trying to shoot Sylar with her powers but he escapes with the remaining blood samples. 

Elsewhere, Matt and Nathan learn that Angela helped Adam back in the day but she ended up changing her mind. They admonish Angela for everything that has happened and decide to try and find Peter and Adam before they release the virus. She tells them that a bullet through Adam’s head is the only to stop him, and that Peter will possibly need to be killed as well.

As Nathan and Adam walk into Primatech. Hiro shows up and freezes time. They are surprised to see each other, but Hiro rushes Peter, saying that Adam killed his father and he must pay. Hiro uses his powers to teleport around but Peter uses his own many abilities to hold him off, eventually electrocuting Hiro until he passes out. Adam is surprised to see Hiro but continues successfully to manipulate Peter into listening to him instead.

Peter and Adam infiltrate the lower levels of Primatech and find the vault protecting the virus, with Peter using his abilities to tear the safe door from its hinges. Peter gets it open, and as Adam goes in, Peter faces off Hiro, tossing him side with his telekinesis, holding up against the wall, as Matt enters and tries to get Peter to stop, but he fights back with his own mental powers, eventually pushing Matt away. Nathan shows up and his appearance stops Peter in his tracks and eventually starts to listen as Nathan reveals Adam’s manipulations and how he plans to release the virus. Hiro enters the vault and faces off against Adam who holds Hiro off with his sword, monologuing about his plan to wipe the world clean with the virus, just like God did in the Bible. Hiro grabs Adam and quickly teleports them both away, but unfortunately, the virus vial was in Adam’s hands and did not teleport away, falling to the ground, as Peter rushes in, having been convinced by Nathan to stop Adam. Using his powers he manages to stop the vial just before it hits the ground, and uses Ted’s powers to incinerate the vial completely, destroying the virus. Matt, Nathan, and Peter decide to put a stop to all the secrets and reveal everything to the public, not willing to follow in their parents’ footsteps, however someone watches them through the security cameras. 

Hiro returns to Ando and reveals that he made sure that Adam would not be a threat to anyone ever again, having buried him alive in a grave.

Back in Odessa, using his powers, Matt makes sure that Nathan is set up with a press conference. However, as he begins to reveal what has been going on and his own powers, two shots ring out and Nathan falls, shot by someone in the crowd, as Peter holds his dying brother. Angela, watching on TV, tells someone on the phone that they have now opened Pandora’s Box.

Elsewhere in New York City, Sylar injects himself with the healing blood, and immediately finds that his powers have returned as he uses telekinesis to pull a can towards him.

The Vault:

Heroes EU:


The backstory behind West Rosen's abduction as a child by Noah Bennet and the Haitian.

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