In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom are the men of the house and obsess over wrong impressions as they discuss season 4 episodes 14 & 15, Close to You and Pass/Fail.
Chapter Fourteen 'Close to You':
Volume: Five
Written by: Rob Fresco
Directed by: Roxann Dawson
Original airdate: January 11, 2010
Bennet tries to track down Samuel and the carnival with Lauren’s help, but they’re hitting dead ends, and despite her suggestions to do so, he’s unwilling to contact Claire for help, knowing she’s still angry with him. They do manage to find photos of Vanessa who Samuel has been looking for and he calls her, but she’s unwilling to talk with them, saying she doesn’t know Samuel.
Bennet goes to Matt Parkman who has been enjoying time at home taking care of his family while Janice works. He ropes Matt into helping him, playing on his fears of what could not only happen to Claire, but Matt’s baby as well. They go to California and find Vanessa but again she doesn’t want to talk with them, but Matt uses his abilities to make her trust them and she tells them all about Samuel. They had a short flirty relationship as children but after they moved, she went on with her life. Years later he showed up and they had a wild couple of weeks together and asked her to marry him and run away to his carnival but she declined. Since Joseph died, she says that he has been showing up more and more and seemed obsessed. Bennet asks her to call Samuel so they can try and capture him.
Samuel arrives and takes Vanessa with him while Bennet and Matt are distracted by Eli’s doubles. Bennet finally catches up to Samuel but Vanessa is already gone. Samuel raises the ground beneath him and hurts Bennett, escaping in the dust and confusion. They follow a tracker to the location for the carnival but then they arrive, nothing is there. Bennet berates Matt for not wanting to do anything as Matt pushes him, as Lauren did, to contact Claire.
Samuel holds Vanessa at the carnival against her will, but he manages to seduce her by licking his fingers and rubbing them on her face. He asks her to stay for a bit and if she’s unhappy he will take her back to California.
Samuel asks Lydia to pick up ink supplies for him, asking her to please be on his side, telling her they’re so close to realizing their dreams. She questions whether the dreams are everyone’s or just his. After he leaves, Lydia. Talks with her daughter who still trusts Samuel but Lydia says they need a new leader, referring to someone that Samuel said could be the next Joseph. Amanda suggests calling him, and Lydia reaches out with her power and makes the compass tattoo appear again on Peter’s arm.
Peter, walking through the city suddenly feels himself drawn to a building and enters it to find Emma, who explains that she called him there with her ability after Samuel helped her learn how to use this new aspect of her powers. He sees her cello has the same compass design and he takes her to his apartment to show her a picture of Samuel who he knows under a different name. Angela shows up and is cold towards Emma, wondering how Peter knows her. She explains after Emma leaves that she had a dream where Emma was involved in killing thousands of people. She says he can't save her, but he says maybe someone else can as he copies her power so he can see her visions too. Later he dreams and sees Emma playing cello under great distress, but Sylar shows up saying he is there to save her. Peter awakens and goes to find Emma, smashing the cello, explaining its questionable source. She is angry at him for doing it, not wanting to hear any explanations and orders him to leave.
Hiro and Ando come up with a plan to try and rescue Mohinder that involves Hiro getting himself committed in order to find him. Ando sneaks in by using his red lightning to crack the for lock and he finds Mohinder drugged up in his room.
An indeterminate amount of time later, Ando sits with Hiro in the asylum, and manages to switch Hiro’s sedatives out. The orderly notices him being suspicious so Ando quickly puts the pills in his mouth so he won't be discovered, sneezing to cover up the ruse. The orderly says goodbye to him by slapping him on the back, causing Ando to swallow the sedatives. Hiro secures Ando away while he goes to find Mohinder and with Mohinder no longer drugged, he can use his strength to break out. Together, with Ando they escape, but they are soon pursued by more of the hospital staff. Mohinder suggests using Ando’s lightning to perform a form of electroshock therapy on Hiro, which he does, and resets Hiro’s mind as he teleports them all to safety.
Later, Matt returns to Janice and finishes making dinner, but as they talk he questions if he should be doing more. He says he needs to help others that he cares about as well but she says his place is with his family and there’s nothing cowardly about that. Bennet goes to Claire’s dorm and talks with her, apologizing for things and she seems receptive but is on her way out, asking if they can talk later. Returning to his apartment, Lauren shows up later and he admits his feelings for her and they reconnect, kissing. Suddenly, Hiro, Ando, and Mohinder teleport in, interrupting them.
Kate Vernon played Vanessa. She’s been a main cast member in a number of Hallmark style movies and other TV movies, most of which are free to watch on various streaming platforms. She did play Ellen Tigh in 24 episodes of the new Battlestar Galactica. In season 5 of Dawson’s Creek, she played “woman.” Most recently, she was the lead in a movie called Barking Mad, also starring Ed Asner, and Fred Melamed (a hit man is hired to escort an eccentric heiress from LA to Montecito, but she disappears).
Chapter Fifteen 'Pass/Fail':
Volume: Five
Written by: Oliver Grigsby
Directed by: Michael Nankin
Original airdate: January 18, 2010
Gretchen chats with Claire, offering her support for anything she needs, reaching for her hand. As Claire pulls away and leaves to attend a study session, Sylar approaches, sitting next to Gretchen. When Claire reaches the study session, no one is there except Sylar and two begin to verbally spar but Sylar just wants to know why she appeared to him on a tattoo, explaining he was told she would somehow help him. When Claire rejects his request, he tells her that she should be worried not about her life, but others, as Claire realizes he is referring to Gretchen. She decides to listen as Sylar points out all the things that make them similar, but Claire calls him a psychopath and starts to leave. He holds her down with telekinesis, threatening her, and then using Lydia’s power, kissing Claire, to see her desires. He discovers that Claire uses her power to build walls, allowing it to prevent forming connections with others. She takes a moment when Sylar pauses to stab him in the eye with a pencil and escape, finding Gretchen trapped. Claire unties her and she apologizes to her, as the lights start to flicker and windows busting in. Claire and Gretchen run out and try to find a hiding place, finding refuge in a maintenance closet. Claire apologizes for everything, including keeping Gretchen and others at arm’s length, knowing she hides behind her powers, but admitting she’s afraid of ending up alone. Together they come up with the idea that without powers, neither of them would be able to hide behind that excuse anymore. Gretchen suddenly changes into Sylar, as Claire realizes that Sylar never took Gretchen at all. Claire goes to find the real Gretchen and opens up to her, finally ready to move on together.
Mohinder works on a makeshift compass as Hiro watches them through a drinking glass, seeing Mohinder leave to reconnect with his girlfriend in India. Suddenly, Hiro passes out. He is taken to a hospital where the doctors work to resuscitate him while Ando watches on from afar. Hiro awakens in a diner, redressed as a courtroom, with Adam Monroe as a prosecutor, and his father Kaito as the judge. Ando appears as his defense attorney as Hiro is put on trial for using his powers for personal gain. Adam brings out Ando and Kimiko as children as witnesses to show how Hiro changed their timeline. Adam then brings out Sylar as a witness, and reveals how Hiro made a deal with him to save Charlie, and in exchange, Sylar could go free, free to kill whoever he wanted, listing his many victims. Hiro stands up for himself against his father explaining why he saved Charlie and Adam then reveals that he can’t even call Charlie as a witness because she was lost in time due to a deal Hiro made. Ando calls Hiro to the stand and has him explain himself, his defining beliefs in life, how he has always strove to do good, living by a code, and able to explain why he decided to break that code: to make the world a better place for family, friends and love. As Kaito pronounces him guilty, he is led to a room with a bright white light on one end. In the real world, Hiro begins to flatline Ando begging him to fight, calling out to him about his great exploits. In Hiro’s dream state, instead of being sent to the white light, his father hands him Takezo Kensei’s sword and tells him to fight and a battle begins between him and Adam. Eventually Hiro bests him, stabbing him through the gut. He turns to see his mother waiting for him in the light. She comes out of it to tell him she is not there to take him with her, but to heal him, kissing his head. In the real world, Hiro’s pulse starts up again and he awakens in his hospital bed, recovered, with Ando by his side.
Samual shaves as Vanessa awakens and leaves his trailer. He offers her a dress as a gift, but she is aghast at the suggestion. He begins his usual manipulation, commenting on her appearance and how it reminds him of when he broke her record player years earlier. Instead of taking her back home, he suggests breakfast first and something he needs to show her, telling her he fixed the record player, and just wants to make things good. She’s annoyed, but finally agrees to stay for breakfast. They sit in an ice cream parlor and Samuel reminds her of their past together again, and the dream home she wanted. Back at the carnival he tries wooing her again with talk of her dream home and indeed they start to get closer. He takes her to the newly grown grassy area he has Ian made, along with her actual dream home. She is impressed but she still denies him, saying it’s just a fantasy, his fantasy, and she can’t live here, that it just isn’t her anymore. Samuel is visibly shaken, and returns to the ice cream parlor, sitting there with his strawberry shake. The waitress goes to ask him if something is wrong, but Samuel stares intensely at her, asking her if he scares her, before standing up, proclaiming that he’s done playing by the world’s rules and it’s time people started playing by his. At the carnival, the people feel the tremors and rush outside to see the entire town in the distance shake and become swallowed up by the earth itself. Samuel returns back to the carnival as Vanessa rides home alone.
At Matt and Janice’s house, Janice answers the door to see Sylar, asking if Matt is around. She says no, but he asks if she can tell him where he is as he needs to speak with him. She agrees, but then asks if she has met him before.
Heroes EU:
The Trip Part 2
Hiro's addled odyssey continues.
Second Chances
Can Suresh really withdraw and start a new life with Mira?
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