In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom get angry all over again and block any escape as they discuss season 4 episodes 16 & 17, The Art of Deception and The Wall.
Chapter Sixteen 'The Art of Deception':
Volume: Five
Written by: Mark Verheiden & Misha Green
Directed by: SJ Clarkson
Original airdate: January 25, 2010
Samuel sees that his people don’t trust him anymore, with Lydia telling him they all saw what he did to the town. He tells her that the people are looking to her to be their voice and that he will win their trust back because he needs and loves them and will do whatever he has to prove his worth.
Peter continues to experience visions of Emma at the carnival and Sylar arriving to save her. He tries to find Emma to no avail, finally getting a phone call from Angela. He goes to see her and she is trying to decide what to put on Nathan’s headstone. Peter tells her that it seems as if Sylar was trying to help Emma, but Angela says one act of goodness doesn’t make Sylar a savior. Peter asks her to help him find Sylar, but she asks him to not try to find him.
Matt arrives home to see Sylar and is worried he is back inside his head but Sylar makes it clear he’s over that and is there for another reason. Janice comes out and explains how Gabriel has been telling her stories about when he and Matt were partners on the force together. She sets up lunch for them with Sylar telling him they need to catch up. After lunch, Matt takes Sylar down to his workshop where he asks Matt how he manages to live with his power and still be a husband and father. Sylar tells Matt he wants him to remove his knowledge of how to use his powers. Matt balks at the idea but Sylar threatens Janice and his son if he doesn’t try. He attempts to use his powers on Sylar but he can’t manage to do it, with Sylar getting impatient. Janice, who left the apartment 30 seconds ago, comes back into the apartment so Sylar can hold her captive, prompting Matt to try again. Matt tells Sylar to accept that they are more than their abilities, and he decides to let Janice loose and Matt tells Janice what is happening. She tells him that they need to bury him so he can’t hurt anyone else. Matt then uses his powers to trap Sylar in his own mind, where there is no one else with him, leaving him all alone. While trapped in there, Matt begins to sell him up inside the walls of his workroom. Peter arrives, shaking Matt’s hand and copying his power, reading Matt’s mind, knowing that Sylar is there. He tells Matt he needs Sylar to save someone and goes to restore Sylar’s mind while Matt watches helplessly, unable to use his power to stop Peter, or to use his physical force to pull Peter away because… reasons. Peter finds himself in Sylar’s mind in a vast empty city.
Gretchen drives Claire to her dad’s apartment so that she can tell him what happened with Sylar but Claire is hesitant. Gretchen finally convinces her to do so but when she goes to him, Lauren answers, explaining that Bennet is out for a moment and Claire notices from the surroundings that her dad is still involved with catching “specials.” Lauren shows her what Samuel did and how dangerous he has become due to the powered people he’s collected at the carnival. Claire leaves and later talks with Gretchen but she tells Claire to be the normal person she wanted to be and just go to class, to forget about the carnival and the problems associated with it and Samuel. Claire is upset that Gretchen isn’t supporting her and leaves. Bennet, with Lauren, decides that if Samuel is upping his attacks, they need to act now and head off to find him. Claire arrives at the carnival and warns Lydia that her dad is coming, which Samuel overhears. He begins his manipulation, trying to convince them that he is sorry for what happened and feels as if he is losing his way. Claire convinces him to give himself up, calling her dad to tell him Samuel is surrendering to protect his family. Lauren goes to walk Samuel out while Bennet remains behind to keep his gun trained on him.
Samuel gives his people a speech about how he feels bad for what he has done and wishes them to be safe so he will leave. Suddenly, shots ring out and carnival people start falling. Lauren gets shot as well, calling Tracy Strauss for help, while Bennet looks around to see that it is Eli and his multiple clones who have been shooting, all part of Samuel’s plan to frame Bennet. Eli knocks Bennet out and drags him down to Samuel where he, Claire and Lydia, among others, have been shot. Claire heals easily, and Samuel’s wound isn’t life threatening, but Lydia’s wound unfortunately is. Samuel holds her and she realizes that Samuel set them all up. Before Lydia can tell anyone, she unfortunately dies because there is no one around with healing blood that could have saved her. Bennet tells Claire it wasn’t him that fired but the carnival people begin blaming Claire for bringing him here and start to use their powers on her. Samuel tells them to stop and be better than that, winning them over with another speech and ordering Claire locked in his trailer. Emma finds her way to the carnival and begins helping the injured people, with Samuel telling them they were attacked by people who don’t understand them. Edgar returns to mourn Lydia, while Samuel gives yet another speech to his people, repeating again that he was wrong for what he did but just wanted to protect them, rallying them to his cause, his status restored, and telling them that it’s time to show the world what they really are.
Chapter Seventeen 'The Wall':
Volume: Five
Written by: Adam Armus & Kay Foster
Directed by: Allan Arkush
Original airdate: February 1, 2010
Sylar finds himself in his old watch shop, repairing watches, when he hears something and runs outside to find Peter, banging the ground with a metal pipe. Peter explains he is there to get him out of there but Sylar is under the impression that everyone is dead and he is all alone in this world and has been for years and runs away from Peter, thinking he isn’t real. Peter finds him and explains what happened to him with Parkman and how he needs Sylar’s help to save Emma. Sylar challenges him to try getting them out but when Peter does, he finds that he can’t. For Peter and Sylar, a month passes, with Peter still trying to find a way out and Sylar not believing him. They debate about the situation until Sylar finally gives in and agrees to try and help him get out. Suddenly they see a wall appear in front of them, a wall that looks just like the one in Matt’s basement that he was trying to bury Sylar behind. Peter picks up a sledgehammer and begins hammering away at the wall, trying to break through as Sylar watches. Later, after many more months, Sylar still recalls memories of Nathan and Peter resents him for bringing them up, with Sylar eventually expressing remorse for killing his brother. They yell at each other, both angry for different reasons, and Sylar decides to take the anger out by grabbing a hammer and hammering at the wall with Peter. After years in this dream state, Peter eventually gets Sylar a copy of a book he had been reading and wore out, with Peter telling Sylar that he can’t forgive him, that he feels he might lose his brother forever if he lets go of his anger. Sylar tells him that he has repented and isn't the same person anymore, and Peter finally admits that he understands that, picking up the hammer again and this time actually causing some bricks to break. Together they hammer away until a hole appears, and a bright light envelops them. They awaken with Peter outside of Matt’s wall and Sylar inside, quickly using his powers to break out. Together they start to head to the carnival to help save Emma, but are interrupted by Eli and his copies.
Samuel takes Claire to see her father, along with Damian, who unlocks Bennet’s past memories and presents them to Claire. She learns how Bennet was married once before in his past and had a pregnant wife, but they were attacked by a special who ended up killing the young woman during a home burglary. The event started Bennet on a quest for revenge against the man, leading him to learn about people with abilities and accidentally killing another special by accident. Claire’s “unflappable support” of her father wavers as she understands that he went there with a gun, with the intention to use it. Memories flash by and she sees the moment Thompson recruits Bennet to the company, and how later, after Bennet and his special partner had a number of incidents where people died, Thompson tells Bennet to take a wife and start a family to calm him down and put his life in balance so that more incidents don’t occur. Claire is aghast that his marriage was arranged by the Company but Bennet defends his marriage and love for Sandra. Unfortunately, Claire sees Bennet’s more recent memories as well, in which he approached Gretchen for her help in finding Claire when she ran away to the carnival, even threatening her with The Haitian’s mind wiping ability. Claire runs off, hurt and angry.
Lauren goes into the carnival to find medical supplies and is discovered by Emma. She tries to explain to her about Samuel’s true intentions but she doesn’t believe her, telling Samuel about Lauren’s presence when he comes calling. He talks with Lauren who tries to get him to turn himself in so his family won't get hurt but he counters her argument with a proper X-Men Magneto speech about revealing themselves to the world and showing the non-powered world their great power and strength. Eli shows up and reports about Claire running away. Samuel leaves to take care of that situation, while he orders Eli to take care of Lauren but she manages to get away. Samuel sympathizes with Claire for what she learned about her father but Claire turns it around on him, revealing that she still trusts her father and wouldn’t turn on him. Samuel tells Claire they are headed to New York City, but he sends Claire to be buried alive under the ground inside one of the carnival’s trailers, their calls for help unheard by anyone above ground.
Back Issues:
Heroes EU:
Reaching Out Part 1
Lauren knows Tracy's the only hope for thwarting Samuel.
Reaching Out Part 2
Despite attacks from Eli and Becky, Tracy finds her way to the Carnival.
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