Monday, September 9, 2024

RW617 - Heroes Rewatch S03E10-11 - The Eclipse Parts 1-2


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom reflect on who they are and what they can do as they discuss season 3 episodes 10 & 11, The Eclipse Parts 1-2.

Chapter Ten 'The Eclipse Part 1':

Volume: Three

Written by: Aron Eli Coleite & Joe Pokaski

Directed by: Greg Beeman

Original airdate: November 24, 2008



Arthur looks over his drawings, frustrated at the events that he has foreseen, most notably a drawing of Claire dying in her father’s arms.

Elle continues training Gabriel on his use of her powers when Arthur orders him to go capture Claire, with Elle insisting she go along to help. They go to a car rental place, but Elle reveals she told the owner that she had been kidnapped by Gabriel who was a serial killer. The man comes out with a gun and holds Gabriel at bay, as Elle eggs Gabriel on telling him to choose who he is. The man goes on about wanting to be a hero, but he responds saying how he hates heroes. 

Nathan has decided to go to Haiti to find the Haitian to help him stop his father, with Peter wanting to go with him. Nathan tries to deny him but Peter continues on and eventually Nathan agrees. As they reach Haiti, the eclipse hits and the two fall from the sky into a river. They get out, with Nathan realizing his powers have gone. The Haitian appears and tells them that he cannot help them until he stops his brother, Samedi, a man with impenetrable skin that has stolen, kidnapped, and robbed people. Samedi and his gang members begin firing on them with The Haitian and Peter getting away, but Nathan being captured. 

Mohinder gets frustrated as his mutation continues and lashes out at Arthur. Arthur shows him his predictions, telling Mohinder that he needs to figure out how this is going to happen. As the eclipse hits, Mohinder finds his abilities and mutation gone, and begins to leave to find Maya, but is stopped by Arthur and Flint who aggressively demand he find a way to get their powers back. 

Daphne panics, having betrayed Arthur, but Matt tries to calm her down, telling her he trusts her, and explaining how Hiro can help them, and Hiro and Ando show up at his door looking for his help in curing Hiro of his regression to a ten year old. Unfortunately, Daphne, being a speedster, notices that Matt hesitated when he answered her about trust, and she races away. Matt implores Hiro to teleport them to Daphne’s home in Kansas, and as they arrive the eclipse begins. Matt tries to get into the house, but is rebuffed by her father. Even trying his powers doesn’t work, as they have seemingly disappeared. A quick check reveals that Hiro’s abilities are now missing as well. Inside, Daphne tells her father that it’s happening again, and he goes to get some items she asked for. When the father leaves, Hiro and Ando go to a comic book store to find the next 9th Wonders issue to find out what their next move is while Matt approaches the house and goes inside, shocked to see Daphne in arm and leg braces, unable to walk without them.

Angela tells Claire she needs to stop from getting caught while everyone else does what they can to stop Arthur, but Claire won’t go along with that. Bennet takes her to a safe house and begins training her to fight, using her anger towards him to help her. She lets out her anger about how he was always leaving and learns more about how to actually fight, eventually getting one over on her father and defeating him as they spar. Suddenly Elle appears and Bennet holds her off at gunpoint as she realizes her powers have disappeared. Gabriel shows up behind them but he too realizes he is powerless as Bennet attacks them both, beating them both. Elle grabs Bennet’s fallen gun and goes to shoot him but Claire jumps in the way and is shot. Bennet grabs Claire and takes her home, where he and Sandra attend to her, dressing her wound. Bennet leaves to find Gabriel and Elle, finding them still in the house, and training a sniper rifle on them. Inside the house, the two wonder what happened to their powers, with Gabriel saying they can still take what they want despite being powerless. Back at home however, Claire has begun bleeding again.

Chapter Eleven 'The Eclipse Part 2':

Volume: Three

Written by: Aron Eli Coleite & Joe Pokaski

Directed by: Holly Dale

Original airdate: December 1, 2008



As Peter and the Haitian escape, Peter tells him it’s time to show Samedi’s followers he’s not a god, and admits to him that he came to Haiti to prove he could be a hero without his powers. Nathan, imprisoned by Samedi, realizes how he has lived a charmed life and that so many people are suffering around the world, deciding that HE has to stand up for them, when Samedi takes a female prisoner away to be sold as a sex slave. 

Sandra meanwhile has taken Claire to the hospital due to her injuries and is questioned about when she was shot, with the doctor telling her that it appears that Claire has never gotten sick in her life.

Meanwhile, Gabriel and Elle have some sexy time together, deciding they have the chance to reinvent themselves now, before Bennet, finally finished being a voyeur, finally decides to bust in and shoot them, while they are lying on the floor instead of earlier when they were standing up in front of a window, because he likes a good challenge. He manages to get a shot in on Elle but they escape to a nearby store where they try to bandage her up and take refuge in a nearby warehouse. Bennet takes a call from his wife, finding out Claire is at the hospital, and tells his wife to do what he would do when the police show up asking questions. Gabriel sends Elle down an elevator, deciding to face Bennet alone and the two fight, with Bennet getting the better of him, and cutting Gabriel’s throat open as he bleeds out and leaves. As Sandra is approached by the police, Claire’s vital signs suddenly start to decline and despite the doctors’ efforts, she dies.

Mohinder works under the constant watch of Flint, who under Arthur’s orders, believes that beating him up will result in Mohinder working harder and smarter and come up with a solution to returning their powers. While Flint is distracted, Mohinder attacks him with a microscope and beats him badly, and escapes to go find Maya. 

Daphne confides in Matt that she has cerebral palsy and wasn’t able to walk until the first eclipse happened, and then she found she could run very fast. She believes her return to her illness to be the result of Arthur, but Matt believes it could be something else as well. Matt leaves as Daphne’s dad returns home. 

Back at the comic shop, the owner Sam and his friend begin helping Hiro and Ando read through 9th Wonder issues to help them figure out their next move, despite Sam not believing that Hiro is the Hiro from the comic book. Matt shows up to see what they have discovered and they find out that in the comic book, Daphne has regained her powers. Hiro is distressed at this news because of all that has happened in the comics, including him impaling Sylar with a sword and his father dying, and retreats to the bathroom, not wanting to grow up.

The Haitian and Peter get the jump on Samedi, knocking him out and making him bleed, before rescuing Nathan. As they escape, Peter takes a gun and says he will stay behind, believing himself to be expendable, so that they can get away and stop their father. As Peter runs out of bullets, he ends up giving up and surrendering. As the eclipse ends, The Haitian and Nathan return and fight Samedi, with The Haitian using his powers to take out his brother. Nathan takes a cue from Gabriel/Sylar and flip flops, saying he is leaving to help his father, believing him to have the right idea now about giving the right people power in order to make the world a better place, leaving Peter behind. 

Back in Kansas, Matt talks with Daphne’s dad, and after realizing his powers have returned, tries to tell him to not think he did anything wrong in raising her. And then finds Daphne, her powers and ability to walk restored, in the field, just a few yards away from the house, so close you could smell her,  talking to a scarecrow she made as a kid that helped save her father’s crops. He convinces her to go back to her dad and mend the emotional wounds they both bear.

Mohinder goes to find Maya but upon realizing his abilities and mutations are returning, goes away before she can answer the door (leaving her wondering why she returned to the show for this one brief cameo).

Back in the comic shop, Sam talks to Hiro through Ando, giving him the inspirational “how and why he is a hero” speech, inspiring him to step up and try to be that hero from the comics. Sam’s friend shows them an issue of 9th Wonders that shows Hiro and Claire interacting in a panel, something they haven’t ever really done, and he knows what he has to do. 

Meanwhile, Claire has returned home, after giving her mother a scare at the hospital when she suddenly healed as the eclipse ended. Bennet returns home, glad to see her, but Claire is angry that he was gone once again when she needed him and died. He realizes what she is saying and runs downstairs, where they find Sandra held captive by Elle and Sylar, their powers returned. Sylar tosses Bennet against the wall, and demands Claire go with them. Refusing to let her father die, Claire agrees to go with them but Bennet tells Sylar that Angela and Arthur aren’t his parents, that they are just manipulating him. He then tries to get Sylar and Elle to turn on each other but Gabriel begins cutting open Bennet’s throat. Hiro suddenly teleports in and takes away Sylar and Elle, and then takes Claire to the moment when she was a baby and being given to her father to watch over. Hiro shows her the comic book translation where Bennet admits he doesn’t think he would be a very good father.

Matt asks Sam what happens next in the comic but they say the issues are over since Isaac died. They then tell him the legend of the bike messenger that was bequeathed with Isaac’s sketchbook before his death, which contains the last 9th Wonders issue he ever drew. 

Arthur continues his manipulation of Mohinder, telling him to get back to work and that they will find a cure, while Elle and Sylar, dropped off on a beach somewhere by Hiro, begin another round of sexy time before he decides he really is just a bad guy and begins cutting her head open to kill her, this time, somehow not activating a strong explosion. 

Back Issues:

Seth Green and Breckin Meyer appear in the episode. Long time friends and actors, they co-created Robot Chicken together and have stellar careers independently.

Heroes EU:

The Caged Bird Part 1

Daphne Millbrook's back-story is revealed, from her childhood until the manifestation of her ability.

The Caged Bird Part 2

Daphne's back-story continued, fleeing and eventually coming back home to Kansas and her father.

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