Monday, September 16, 2024

RW619 - Heroes Rewatch S03E12-13 - Father Dual

In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom back the wrong side but topple empires as they discuss season 3 episodes 12 & 13, Our Father and Dual.

Chapter Twelve 'Our Father':

Volume: Three

Written by: Adam Armus & Kay Foster

Directed by: Jeannot Szwarc

Original airdate: December 8, 2008



As Hiro and Claire watch themselves in the past, they eavesdrop on Kaito talking with his wife, who wants to give young Hiro the catalyst, to which Kaito disagrees. They witness Hiro’s mother heal a dove and both Claire and Hiro realize what their next move is. Claire is off to stop the company from putting the catalyst in her as a baby while Hiro is off to ask his mother to heal his mind and bring back his memories. Before he can do so, he overhears his father telling his mother that he doesn’t believe Hiro will amount to anything. When he leaves, Hiro goes to his mother and asks her to heal his memories, explaining who he is. She succeeds in restoring his memories, and he reveals all he has accomplished. She is happy to see what he has made of himself and agrees to give him the catalyst as she always wanted. Unfortunately, as she does so, it is at the cost of her life as she passes away.

Sylar, having killed Elle, gets a call from Arthur but tells him he’s done working for him, planning to go and collect some more abilities before coming to find him. Angela meanwhile convinces Peter to go after Arthur and shoot him in the back of the head to end his reign of terror. 

Nathan returns to Arthur and informs him that he is taking over Pinehurst. Arthur balks, but Tracy intervenes and gets him to agree. Nathan meets with a soldier that has been picked to undergo the formula test, asking why he volunteered before and explains that it will change his life forever. 

Claire drops in on a young Sandra holding baby Claire and offers to help as she is struggling to get inside her apartment. The help is gladly accepted and the two begin bonding as they care for Baby Claire. Bennet returns home and questions who Claire is, not buying her cover story of being the niece of a neighbor and ushers Sandra out of the room. Claire begins talking to him about the baby and trying to drop as many hints about the future as she can, telling him to not stay distant to the baby because she will be in his life for at least the next 16 years. When the phone rings she tells him to not answer it because the company wants the baby back to do something to her, and to just keep his Claire Bear safe just the way she is. He pauses, liking the name, and doesn’t answer the phone.  

Sylar meanwhile shows up at a woman’s office and kills her, taking her power of lie detection, while killing a few coworkers on the way out for good measure.

Matt, Daphne, and Ando go to the company that hires bike messenger to find the missing Isaac Mendez sketchbook but the owner feigns ignorance. Under pressure from Matt’s powers he agrees to go get it out of the back room, but starts biking away. Daphne easily catches up to him and retrieves the book. As they look at the pages, they see that Hiro has been lost in time. 

Back in the past, Hiro regroups with Claire, preparing to return home with the catalyst but Arthur shows up and takes his powers and the catalyst, flicking him away over the edge of the roof as he teleports Claire away and returns back to his present. He puts the catalyst into the formula and they begin the injection on the soldier Nathan talked to earlier. He appears to be having a seizure but when it ends he stands up super strong, pulling the bolted down chair up and hurling it through the glass. 

Peter and The Haitian show up at Pinehearst and confront him. The Haitian holds off Arthur by canceling his powers as Peter aims a gun at his father. Arthur begins talking, trying to manipulate Peter again as the Haitian begs Peter to kill him, despite knowing that it is not Peter’s natural inclination to do so. As Arthur presses back against the Haitian, he weakens and begins losing control of Arthur, until Peter finally fires but the bullet stops, Sylar having shown up and holding it in place with his telekinesis. He asks Arthur if he’s actually his father and Sylar uses his ability to discern that it’s a lie, allowing the bullet to finish its course, killing Arthur, shot in the head. 


Tamlyn Tomita played Ishi Nakamura, Hiro’s mother. She is best known for her role of Kimiko in The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. She was in a number of episodes of The Good Doctor, Teen Wolf, Law and Order, Jag, CSI, and Santa Barbara, as well as Commander Oh in Star Trek: Picard, amongst 140 total credits and counting.

Chad Faust played Scott, the marine. He has been in 34 episodes of The 4400, and a number of one-off roles as well.

Chapter Thirteen 'Dual':

Volume: Three

Written by: Jeph Loeb

Directed by: Greg Beeman

Original airdate: December 15, 2008



Nathan finds Peter standing over the dead body of their father, who then holds Nathan at gunpoint, telling him the formula needs to be destroyed and the plan stopped. Nathan refuses, saying it’s their plan now to make the world a better place. Peter hands over the gun, but punches Nathan out.

Bennet, Angela, Meredith and Claire decide to head to Pinehurst to help Peter take out Arthur, but SYlar has shown up and put the Company building on lockdown, trapping them. He begins playing mind games with them, trying to show them that they are all monsters like himself. He begins telling Claire that he will let everyone go if she kills Angela, but she instead just shoots the phone. Bennett and Meredith recruit Danny Pine, Echo, and Puppermaster Doyle to take down Sylar, promising their freedom to whomever finishes the job. Unfortunately, they are all taken out one by one by Sylar who also manages to inject Meredith with adrenaline, causing her powers to go into overdrive. He traps her and Bennet in a cell together, as her power starts emanating from her hands, out of control. Claire and Angela go to try and rescue them but get separated with Claire fending off Sylar. She finds her father and using Meredith’s powers to weaken the glass, she jumps through, breaking it and rescuing her father. Meredith stays behind due to her powers continuing to spiral out of control. 

Ando, Daphne and Matt check the sketchbook out and decide that if they can get the formula, Ando can use it to get time travel abilities and go back to save Hiro. Daphne runs off to find Mohinder and the formula. Peter has also made his way to Mohinder however, and the two begin fighting as Mohinder desperately needs the formula to cure himself whereas Peter wants it destroyed. While fighting, Daphne zooms in and takes it back to Matt and Ando who injects it and immediately begins showing signs of his abilities. While at first it looks like red lightning shooting from his hands, his ability actually supercharges other’s abilities, making Matt able to hear thoughts from all over the city, and making Daphne run fast enough that she travels back in time a few seconds. Knowing that, they decide that Ando can help Daphne run to the past to save Hiro.

Back at Pinehearst, Mohinder and Peter continue fighting but he is aided by Knox and Flint who don’t want abilities to be given to everyone because then they become less special in turn. Flint goes too hard on Mohinder with Peter feeling some sympathy for him. After knocking out Mohinder, they begin trashing the entire building. Nathan tries to sic his super soldier on to Peter but Knox arrives and breaks his neck, holding Nathan off. Nathan manages to get a good punch in on Knox but Knox recovers quickly and goes to hit him with his super strength but Tracy arrives and freezes him solid before knocking him over into a million pieces. Tracy tries to get Nathan to run away with her so as to not be associated with the situation going down, but he refuses, firing her. 

Hiro, stuck in the past, gets off a flagpole he grabbed onto when Arthur tossed him over the edge of the building, making it inside his younger self’s home. He manages to convince his younger self to help him by finding the formula. They get it out of Kaito’s safe but he shows up and begins to attack older Hiro with his sword, thinking him to be a simple thief. Hiro tries telling him the formula must be destroyed, ripping it in half but Daphne shows up at that moment and whisks him back to the future, leaving the torn formula and his father behind. Hiro tells them they must destroy the formula with Daphne taking him to Pinehearst where they see Tracy trying to abscond with it. Hiro punches her, knocking her down as he grabs the formula and Daphne again runs them both away safely. 

Peter and Flint, still wrecking their lab, pour out all of the formula out, dosing Mohinder, before Flint begins to turn on Peter, wanting to blow up the entire building. Nathan knocks Flint out, but then also punches Peter before Flint fires up the room, and starts a chain reaction that causes the whole building to explode as Peter flies them both out of a window. Nathan is incensed that Peter flew, knowing he took the formula as well. Peter defends it saying he had to save him  because he loves his brother but Nathan says he never would have done that and flies off. 

Angela faces off against Sylar, but he knows she isn’t his mother. She tells him that she knows WHO his real parents are and he uses his power to see that she is telling the truth now. He demands to know the truth but Claire sneaks up behind him, impaling him in the back of his neck with a broken shard of glass, disabling him. Claire goes back for her mother but she won’t leave because she’s too out of control. Claire and Bennet both run out of the building as it explodes, while back at Pinehearst, Mohinder, now seemingly healed, finds himself getting into a car with Tracy. 

Later, Nathan finds himself talking to the US President, telling him what has been going on, the abilities of everyone he knows, telling him they need to be rounded up and imprisoned so they will not be a danger to anyone. 


Michael Dorn was The President. He is best known for playing Klingon Worf on Star Trek the Next Generation and Deep Space 9, as well as the associated spinoffs and movies. He has a long career (180 credits) spanning not just live action but a lot of voice work, including I Am Weasel, Cow and Chicken, Gargoyles, Duck Dodgers, and numerous superhero voice roles. He previously was a supporting cast member of classic cop show ChiPs as well with Erik Estrada.

Heroes EU:


Arthur Petrelli reflects on his life in the moments before he is killed.

Stuck in the Middle

Ryan learns the truth about the program at Pinehearst.

Continued in The Recruit webisodes.

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