Monday, September 30, 2024

RW623 - Heroes Rewatch S03E14-15 - Clear Trust


In this weeks episode of The Heroes Rewatch, Cory and Tom crash, fight, run and resist as they discuss season 3 episodes 14 & 15, A Clear and Present Danger and Trust & Blood.

Chapter One 'A Clear and Present Danger':

Volume: Four

Written by: Tim Kring

Directed by: Greg Yaitanes

Original airdate: February 2, 2009



2 months after the incident at Pinehearst, Tracy has returned to her normal life, back in touch with the governor, but soon finds herself tased and captured by Nathan’s new strike force, led by a man named Danko. 

Hiro, having bought an old firehouse to use as their base of operations, tries to impress Ando with his new comic-book-like superset and a super motorcycle. Ando is not impressed, refusing the suit, but pleased with the motorcycle. Hiro however still has trust issues apparently as he refuses to give Ando the password to the computer, and then injects him against his will with a GPS tracker, explaining he also injected himself earlier. Ando, upset, rides away. Later, Hiro tracks Ando at a strip bar and tells him over their radio that he is supposed to be using his powers for good. The conversation is cut short when Ando hears Hiro being attacked and he rushes back to find the firehouse empty.

Angela tries to convince Claire that everything is over, Pinehearst, Primatech, and the Company, but Claire doesn’t believe it, knowing Sylar is still alive out there. Claire later overhears Angela talking with Nathan about his plans and leaves upon hearing Nathan is going after Peter and Parkman.

Sylar meanwhile tracks down his father, Martin, who walked out on him and his mother. The man holds him at gunpoint, thinking him a thief, but Sylar reveals who he is and the two begin talking. Martin explains he was offered Sylar as a baby for money and given his mother couldn’t conceive on her own, they went through with it. He gives Sylar the name of the man who offered him the baby, his brother, Sylar’s real father, Samson Gray, a taxidermist. He goes to find him, but the house is empty save for a lit cigarette. Suddenly Danko’s men crash in and begin tasing Sylar but he proves too powerful, subduing his attackers with ease, saving one of them for interrogation about the location of Samson. 

Daphne, still using her powers, gets her work done early so she can come home and hang out with Matt but he wants to just live a normal life and work a regular job. She says she understands, promising to try and be normal. As he hugs her, he sees a vision of Usutu again. Later, Matt sees Usutu again and is told that he has been chosen as the oracle and to draw the future, as he suddenly drops into the white eyed precog trance and begins predicting the future. He awakens to hear Claire knocking at his door and as they look over the drawings, Danko and his men show up, subduing Matt with a taser and capturing Claire.

Peter works as a paramedic, and upon being unable to save a man hurt in a car crash, curses himself for not being stronger. A coworker confides in him that he is concerned about his brother Nathan and talking about rounding up bad people and putting them away. Claire calls Peter and warns him about the impending attack, but he says he will ask Angela and call her back. Peter tales a cab which happens to be driven by Mohinder and the two debate the merits of Nathan’s new plan for those with abilities. After dropping off Peter, Mohinder picks up another passenger who turns out to be Danko who holds him at gunpoint, directing him to just drive to the top of a parking structure where he is faced by a group of armed men. Mohinder grabs the taxi cab door and tears it loose with tremendous strength, throwing it at the men and running away. He is suddenly blocked by Bennet who tells him to get in the car if he wants to live. Bennet begins asking Mohinder many questions about who he’s seen and talked to before driving him right back to Danko, revealing he is working with them.

Peter seeks out Angela but only finds his brother waiting for him, and the two trade barbs back and forth about what he is planning. Nathan wants Peter’s input on his plan and he agrees to meet him for dinner later. Nathan however runs into Peter earlier and asks him to tell him that he is in agreement with Nathan’s plan but Peter says he can’t. Nathan asks for a hug before Bennet appears from behind Peter and tases him. 

As Peter, Matt, Mohinder, Tracy, Hiro, and unnamed others are drugged and masked, led onto a plane for transport, Claire, who was given the chance to leave by Nathan, attacks her driver and runs back to the plane, sneaking on board and slowly releasing everyone. Peter reveals that he has no strength anymore until he touches Mohinder and uses his sudden power to escape his bonds. A flight ensues between everyone as Claire makes her way to the cockpit, finding out her father Bennet is there. As the fight continues, Peter touches Tracy and suddenly has her ice power, leading him to accidentally freeze the plane, causing it to start to crash as the hull is ripped open.


Zeljko Ivanek played Danko, best known as a lead in the Tea Leoni series Madam Secretary (Secretary of State balancing life and work and family) for 120 episodes. He’s had a number of recurring roles in TV series such as The Mob Doctor, True Blood, Suits, Oz, 24, The Walking Dead: Dead City, Homicide: Life On The Streets, Law & Order, John Adams, Big Love, and The Event.

Chapter Two 'Trust and Blood':

Volume: Four

Written by: Mark Verheiden

Directed by: Allan Arkush

Original airdate: February 9, 2009



Nathan, on the phone with his mother, tells her the story of how the plane crashed with most of the prisoners escaping. Hiro teams up with Mohinder and Matt, managing to avoid capture, but Matt goes into a trance again, seeing Usutu and begins heading in a different direction. Peter and Claire team up but Bennet shows up and grabs her, holding Peter at gunpoint. Claire begs him to stop and he relents, letting Peter go, leading to him teaming up with Tracy when he finds her hiding, and wanting to get back to her normal life. As Claire tells her dad that people will ask questions, a number of missiles hit the plane crash, obliterating the area. Nathan is angry at Danko for ordering the air strike, but the soldier reveals he is more of a loose cannon than Nathan thought, wanting to use lethal methods to get rid of the people with abilities. 

Ando, having used the GPS tracker to find Hiro, attempts to get a flight to Arkansas but Daphne shows up, looking for Matt. Together she runs them to Arkansas and together they see Claire captured. Daphne rescues her while Bennet and Nathan stare in shock.

Meanwhile, Matt draws again as Hiro and Mohinder change clothes, discussing Hiro’s loss of powers. Mohinder tells Hiro to give himself up since he has no powers, reasoning they might let him go. Hiro is adamant that he must stay and help his friends. Matt comes out of the trance and they see he has drawn Daphne being shot at the crash site and start to head back there to find her, with Mohinder and Hiro following behind.

Upon returning to the crash site, Matt and Daphne, and Hiro and Ando are reunited but Danko’s men show up and shoot Daphne. Matt loses control and begins taking control of the soldiers, making them shoot each other, until Danko shows up and takes control, killing the mind controlled soldier and recapturing Claire as everyone else escapes. Nathan has to call Danko off from trying to kill Claire, while Bennet pulls her aside to tell her to go home while he does what he can for the others. 

Sylar, having managed to get enough information about the soldier to take him to a house near Sylar’s father’s house, ties the soldier to a chair and then ambushes a woman and her son and holds them to chairs with telekinesis. As Sylar begins to torture the woman, Mary, the boy, Luke, reveals he has powers by using them to burn Sylar’s coffee cup. He takes Luke aside and begins talking with him about his powers and how he understands what the boy feels. With Sylar distracted, the soldier escapes his bonds and grabs his gun to attack Sylar but the boy sees it and uses his power on the soldier, melting and killing him. Sylar decides to leave but the boy wants to go with him, explaining that only he understands him, but also offering to tell him where Samson is. With his lie detector power, Sylar knows the boy believes he can find him so the two leave together. 

Tracy calls Nathan and asks for her life to be returned to normal in exchange for Peter, a plan they came up with. Nathan agrees and goes to their meeting spot, realizing that it is likely a trap, and reveals he didn’t come alone. Peter grabs Nathan, holding him at gunpoint, but ends up flying away while Tracy is apprehended. She is placed into a small shipping container while Nathan tells her that the abilities need to be controlled or they will lead to disaster. As the guards begin the process of lethal inhalation drugs into her system, she begins screaming that Nathan is one of them, while he walks away. Angela, hearing his whole tale, tells Nathan she isn’t helping him because he went above her to the president, leaving him on his own. 

Back at home, Sandra talks with Claire, asking her about her college visit trip, showing Claire that her father has again been lying to her about what is going on. Claire then accepts a text message from an unknown person named Rebel who wants to fight back as much as she does, stating how much they both hate the people that tried to take her friends.

Peter, Mohinder, Hiro and Matt meet up, with Matt wanting revenge for Danko killing Daphne, as the quartet begins putting together their plans to fight back.


Dan Byrd played the young boy, Luke. He is likely best known from his role of Travis Cobb in 102 episodes of Cougar Town. He was also in 18 episodes of the canceled series Aliens in America (a young Muslim student from Pakistan is sent to live with a Christian family in Wisconsin as part of a foreign exchange program). He has been in some major movies, such as The Hills Have Eyes (a traveling family falls victim to a group of mutated cannibals in a desert far away from civilization), and Hilary Duff’s A Cinderella Story (routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance). More recently he has played Pastor Rob in Young Sheldon, and has been in Utopia (a group of young adults, who meet online, get a hold of a cult underground graphic novel, which not only pins them as a target of a shadowy deep state organization, but also burdens them with the dangerous task of saving the world).

Heroes EU:

Out of Town ... On Business
Noah Bennet goes out on "business".

Claire receives a call to arms from a mysterious "friend".

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